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This is highly relevant to me right now. No I don't care if you don't get it.
Easy peasy; I would spend $70M to buy the Ochoco ranch ( then spend $10M to buy a number of expensive off-road vehicles (e.g., Custom Unimogs, Hagglunds, etc.), spend some on heavy equipment (fire fighting dozers, tankers, etc.) and so on, and spend some on a bunker).

But yes, I get it.
Easy peasy; I would spend $70M to buy the Ochoco ranch ( then spend $10M to buy a number of expensive off-road vehicles (e.g., Custom Unimogs, Hagglunds, etc.), spend some on heavy equipment (fire fighting dozers, tankers, etc.) and so on, and spend some on a bunker).

But yes, I get it.
I always wondered about the fundamental rules of this stipulation, like dose a purchase order/down payment count, even if I do not receive the product for another year or two (I could get an awful nice yacht built for $100m, and property deals usually take well over a month to close.)? What about if I convert it into other forms of fungible non-currency like stocks or futures? I can spend 100m today and get 100m cash back out tomorrow. . .

Like there has to be a catch to all this, because it would be trivial to blow 100m on large scale investments of some kind or other, so long as you only want the money gone. It only gets slightly more difficult if the stipulation is "get me 100m in stuff, delivered here, in 1 month or less." Then you will have to be locating and buying whatever big ticket items you can find that are immediately available (I wonder how close clearing out all the car dealer lots in your area would get you, especially if you paid sticker price for everything), or trying to clean sweep some highbrow art auction somewhere (and then we get into niggling on definitions like "does over bidding count as 'throwing away?'").

This genie obviously did not try to account for lawyers or programmers, the two types of people most likely to find flaws in your stipulations.
I always wondered about the fundamental rules of this stipulation, like dose a purchase order/down payment count, even if I do not receive the product for another year or two (I could get an awful nice yacht built for $100m, and property deals usually take well over a month to close.)? What about if I convert it into other forms of fungible non-currency like stocks or futures? I can spend 100m today and get 100m cash back out tomorrow. . .

Like there has to be a catch to all this, because it would be trivial to blow 100m on large scale investments of some kind or other, so long as you only want the money gone. It only gets slightly more difficult if the stipulation is "get me 100m in stuff, delivered here, in 1 month or less." Then you will have to be locating and buying whatever big ticket items you can find that are immediately available (I wonder how close clearing out all the car dealer lots in your area would get you, especially if you paid sticker price for everything), or trying to clean sweep some highbrow art auction somewhere (and then we get into niggling on definitions like "does over bidding count as 'throwing away?'").

This genie obviously did not try to account for lawyers or programmers, the two types of people most likely to find flaws in your stipulations.
If you purchase something and transfer the funds to the seller, whether you get the item today or next year, you have purchased the item.

I know real estate can take a while - it took years to sell the family farm because a prospective buyer kept delaying (and so did my uncle who was living on the farm; he didn't want to sell, but eventually the rest of the family overruled him).

But I think most of the real estate deals take a long time due to financing. If someone came in with cash that could be transferred to the seller overnight, then that would probably speed the process up quite a bit. But there are always complications, and with something as large as the Ochocco Ranch, there would probably be complications (mineral/water rights for example - maybe surveying?) - but money talks, and if you gave a bonus to the various parties to get it done ASAP...

I could certain buy $110M of stock on the stock market or a mutual fund, within a few days. I don't see how that would not meet the stipulations.
If you purchase something and transfer the funds to the seller, whether you get the item today or next year, you have purchased the item.

I know real estate can take a while - it took years to sell the family farm because a prospective buyer kept delaying (and so did my uncle who was living on the farm; he didn't want to sell, but eventually the rest of the family overruled him).

But I think most of the real estate deals take a long time due to financing. If someone came in with cash that could be transferred to the seller overnight, then that would probably speed the process up quite a bit. But there are always complications, and with something as large as the Ochocco Ranch, there would probably be complications (mineral/water rights for example - maybe surveying?) - but money talks, and if you gave a bonus to the various parties to get it done ASAP...

I could certain buy $110M of stock on the stock market or a mutual fund, within a few days. I don't see how that would not meet the stipulations.
I dunno, it's a genie. Their whole shtick is being a tricky bastard and turning things around on you. Probably better to nail down the terms and conditions to the minutia rather than risk being on the hook for everything.
I dunno, it's a genie. Their whole shtick is being a tricky bastard and turning things around on you. Probably better to nail down the terms and conditions to the minutia rather than risk being on the hook for everything.
The big #1 is who supplies the $110M to spend in the first place? If it is the genie, and I don't have to pay back the $110M if I fail, then I am willing to give it a go either way. If it is me, then I fail off the bat.

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