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A quote of their argument: "Many of the most popular handguns and modern semiautomatic rifles come standard with magazines that hold more than ten rounds," Gottlieb noted. "Such firearms are legally owned by Washington residents. As we note in the lawsuit, there is no reliable proof that restrictions on new manufacturing or sales of such magazines will reduce violent crime. This law unfairly and arbitrarily penalizes honest citizens for crimes they didn't commit, in the hopes of preventing crimes they wouldn't dream of committing."

It seems to be in fact challenging that these are large capacity magazines at all since they are actually standard capacity mags. That directly interferes with FFLs being able to sell to WA residents.
Love seeing actual firearms rights orginizations doing what needs to be done.. meanwhile the NRA is just buying themselves dinner and trips around the united states.
It seems to be in fact challenging that these are large capacity magazines at all since they are actually standard capacity mags. That directly interferes with FFLs being able to sell to WA residents.
See how the left cheats so as to control the dialog? Set an arbitrary number and anything over that is "unreasonable", "dangerous" or "threatening."

It is marked cards, loaded dice - liberal cheating in the game of freedom.
Last Edited:
See how the left cheats so as to control the dialog? Set an arbitrary number and anything over that is "unreasonable", "dangerous" or "threatening."

It is marked cards, loaded dice - liberal cheating in the game of freedom.
Lol exactly. Apparently in their magical thinking land, 10 people shot by their theoretical law abiding mass shooter is super ok and fine, but my GOD 11???? or more????? that is a traveshamockery that we must prevent
Interesting take...

Since 1991, Wayne LaPierre has been CEO of the organization, and much of its legal and financial problems have stemmed from his tendency to be anxious, says Mak.

"If you talk to people who have known him … for decades, even they describe him as this deeply anxious, weak-willed, almost cowardly person who easily gets bowled over by people around him," Mak tells KCRW. "People in power in the NRA have realized that if you yell at him loud enough, or you berate him long enough, eventually he's going to say yes to millions of dollars in contracts for preferred NRA vendors with sweetheart deals or golden parachutes for senior NRA staffers and executives who lead the organization but get paid handsomely to do nothing at all."

Mak notes that those traits made LaPierre an attractive CEO candidate to the powers that be at the NRA. And actually, LaPierre's dream job was to run a Maine ice cream shop, not the largest gun advocacy group.

"The NRA had gone through a series of executive vice presidents. One after the other all had ended in scandal, and they wanted Wayne because he was boring. He was bland," he explains. "He doesn't really want all the controversy and anxiety that comes with being the head of the NRA and yet here he is, decades later still in that role. It's weird. I mean, he doesn't really even like to shoot firearms."

He adds, "By being so malleable, he's made himself indispensable to the powerful players in and around the NRA. They've all benefited and have an incentive to keep him at the top of the organization. And he has an incentive to stay too, because he benefits greatly in his personal life. He and his wife do."

Mak considers LaPierre's wife Susan to be a huge power player in the NRA.

"She's very bold, she's very assertive. And to some folks, she's downright rude. But she has this enormous power as Wayne's wife, inside the NRA. She doesn't have a paid position there. But many people see her as a kind of the first lady of the NRA. She's not an executive, but she certainly gets the perks. She's a hidden hand behind the scenes," Mak says. "If you wanted to get in touch with Wayne, you'd call Susan LaPierre. ... She is someone who demands loyalty from people at different parts of the last decade."

In a nutshell, Wayne's a sissy in a dress and Susan wears the pants. Him not even LIKING to shoot DOES explain a lot...

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