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I mention this place from time to time, but few people remember. It was on roughly 80th and Foster in Portland. The best sporting goods store ever.

At 12 years old, I didn't have a lot of money, but I still have 3 reels I bought from them with my paper route money.

How about Maury's Gun Rack on 82nd and Woodstock? A good store for a long time.

Or Jared's Outdoor and More? I loved that place and still have some ammo boxes with their price tag on 'em.

A good friend has a Model 94 that came from WigWam. I didn't move to this part of the world until 74 and am not sure I was ever in one.
I remember Maury's gun rack with the bulk bullets in the bins sold by the pound and all the guns in racks out where you could touch them! Good stuff!
Yep, just around the corner.
Also, WigWam was on 52nd and Tolman, as well as 102nd and Sandy.

A blast from the past. 🥰
When Wig Wam decided to get out of the gun business, there were some real buys to be had. High Standard Military Citation, $20. Ruger Blackhawk $40.
Don't remember anything else, but I got a 107.
Since I drove by it near daily, The Gun Broker on 82nd drive.
If Royd was in and not busy he would deal.
And, let us not forget, Bwana Junction, Norm Thompson, Nick's Guns, Andy and Bax, Meier & Frank, Murray's Gun Shop, and in the late 70's JC Penney sold guns and ammo. Wife worked at Penney's, and when they decided to drop sporting goods, I got some smoking deals with the employee discount. Still have some ammo with their label.
Gotta mention Larry's Sporting Goods. Bernt Johnson, the gunshop mgr. at Oregon City, was one of the most gun savvy guys I have ever known.
And then, there were all the sellers in The Shotgun News. Remember Walter Craig?
Great memories.
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Before it became Rite Aid, it was Payless Drug Stores. I happened to have started reloading for the 41 Mag when they were closing out their ammo stuff. I bought a lot of 41 Mag ammo from them at a greatly reduced price.
Imagine that. A drug store selling guns and ammo.
For a short time Fred Meyer sold guns and ammo, too. But then they caved to the pressure of people who should be packing sand where the sun don't shine...
Before it became Rite Aid, it was Payless Drug Stores. I happened to have started reloading for the 41 Mag when they were closing out their ammo stuff. I bought a lot of 41 Mag ammo from them at a greatly reduced price.
Imagine that. A drug store selling guns and ammo.
For a short time Fred Meyer sold guns and ammo, too. But then they caved to the pressure of people who should be packing sand where the sun don't shine...
One of the first jobs I had (1975) was working as a "packer" in a warehouse that filled sporting goods orders for Payless Drug Stores. We handled lots of black powder handgun and long gun kits, ammo, reloading supplies, fishing gear, archery equipment, etc. I guess their modern firearms came from elsewhere because they never came down my table.
I think Fred Meyer may have made a return to firearms sales. A friend at work bought his son a shotgun, at a newly opened store in E Vancouver, a few years ago.
Don't know if they're still engaged in that business, under the current totalitarian regime.
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I bought my first pistol from Larrys Sports Center back in 92. If I recall there was a 10 day waiting period then.
I bought my first pistol from Larrys Sports Center back in 92. If I recall there was a 10 day waiting period then.
I think it was 5, but you sidestepped that if you had a CHL. Which brings up a sore spot with me. CHL holders have already undergone a background check and we should be exempt.
I think it was 5, but you sidestepped that if you had a CHL. Which brings up a sore spot with me. CHL holders have already undergone a background check and we should be exempt.
my memory says back in 13 or whenever they passed Oregons background check laws the pro gun groups here tried to amend it with an exception for CHL holders which was of course immediately shot down, it was then that I knew forever gun control wasnt about preventing crime.

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