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$.98 per pound for pork butts at the Coburg Rd Winco on Saturday.
Bought 4.
Combined with what's already in the freezer will make for a long sausage making day.

Breakfast, Hot Italian, Smoked Polish, Chorizo......

May throw one in the smoker and get friends and family together for pulled pork next week end..
$1 box of doughnuts, I am going to miss you and all your $1 a package bread friends on non-gym days. We had a great relationship while it lasted. I reduced your weight, you increased my weight, good times


For $1 per item bread products, today only, go to Franz outlet store in Tigard and check out back wall. Don't go there if you are trying to lose weight or have diabetes. Although they did have those nasty Franz Keto buns for a $1 a pack last Saturday.

Just trying to help out my fellow poors.
I bought about 18lbs of boneless skinless chicken breast and a couple of bags of baby carrots for under $35. Pretty much wiped out what was left in my checking acct. The 18lbs should get me through to Friday unless the grid goes down.
It's the end of January 2025 now and it's getting harder and harder to eat out or go to the movies!

Hoping Mr. Trump can really pull us out of the hole sleepy Joe got us into.

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