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Whatever it is, I wouldn't suggest pulling the rear trigger.
That is one of the parts that makes me think this is not an SBR. It is kinda like that silly pistol holster stock from a few years back. Yes, technically the pistol is attached to a "stock", which should make it an SBR (even if it is a silly configuration. I don't see an exception in the law for poor/useless ergonomics.), but the fact that it cannot actually be fired in that configuration means it isn't actually? (well, it can be fired, but it would not have the intended effect of a gun, so I am not sure it counts.)

I actually enjoy silly configurations like this. Anything that can push the boundaries of the law and force the government to further clarify what the law means is a great idea. The more we can show how absurd these laws are the better, and stuff like this can help establish important boundaries that can be used to directly challenge the validity of the law entirely. Sure the actual configuration is super cringe, but the legal precedent it can help set is extremely valuable long term.
At one point in time....
The largest caliber handgun I owned was a replica Colt 1860 Army revolver...
I used that as my home defense gun.

I shot it a lot...and shot well with it.
Each month we had a shoot at my club...and I would practice with it...clean and then load it for use , if needed.
Never had an issue with the loads in the chambers.
And, by lowering the hammer into the slot that is cut between each cylinder, you can safely load all 6 cylinders.
Not at all sure that it is only the left that wants to get rid of the 2A & firearms.

My take on this is that the right wouldn't/doesn't mind if the 2A effectively is restricted, but they are quite satisfied to let the left do the dirty work, while the right sits idly by and eventually reaps the benefits (power) without the downsides.

By left & right I mean the PTB.

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