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Why would they aim that high?
Not all boobs are perky
Makes me wonder how many women have shot themselves in the tit trying to draw fast
I don't know about shooting themselves while drawing a handgun but I've heard that for women archers they wear an extra protective garment so they don't rip a nipple off when they let go of the bow string.
Makes me wonder how many women have shot themselves in the tit trying to draw fast
Probably a similar amount to the number of men who have shot themselves in "Mr. Happy" trying to do the same.

I went to school with a guy who blew off a testicle trying to quick draw a gun from holster-less inside the waistband appendix carry. He learned that day that emulating Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon, is not the best training for firearms handling, or the best way to preserve your nuts.
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