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Mine's a Savage Timberline, not quite as nice as that Sako. What's your favorite 7mm? Mine is the 280 Ackley.
I have a model 50 JC Higgins (FN supreme ) that has been rebarreled to 7x57 mauser. Not a real fancy rifle but can shoot better than I can with Hornady 154g interlocks. It just feels right and is extremely reliable. Wears a gloss 2-7 vx2 in a leupold mount.
Welcome Aboard. Glad you found the forum.

This is the best place to hang out on the internet.

Check out the organized clean ups in Oregon and Washington. It's the best way to meet the community and learn where and how to use public lands responsibly.

If you really want to get involved in community action check out Trash No Land.


Built by P.O. Ackley himself for a world-renowned sheep hunter on a Mauser action, and chambered in .276 Ackley Magnum, this rifle was purchased from the estate of that hunter and put back to use to take this Montana Muley.

Best of the best in rifle-building history and hunting history.

Guns like this are rarely crafted anymore, and few will know the pleasure of carrying one in the field or the natural precision that results from the human hand in construction.

Ackley named this cartridge toward measurement between the lands (not the grooves). With consideration toward @NeoBlackdog, this one is a "true" 7mm as is commonly understood (.284 dia. bullets). :cool:
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A gun that I am surprised that shoots as good as it does is my NEF Handi rifle in 280 Remington. It's not an exspensive rifle. Pretty basic but so far it will out shoot my number #1s. Rarely at a hundred yards will it group bigger than 3/4 of an inch. I don't have to worry about scratching or dinging it and I would use it in the wettest conditions. It has won a place in my hunting battery. Yeah I like it alot.

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