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A Snohomish County woman was killed in an overnight home invasion.

At around 3 a.m. on Friday, three Black men entered a home on 96th Street Southeast just off 19th Avenue Southeast in unincorporated Everett.

Deputies say a family of three — a woman, her husband and their child — were in the home when the men forced their way inside.

The woman in her 30s was shot and died at the scene. Her husband fought the men off and they fled.

The man has minor injuries, and the child was not hurt.

One of the intruders was wearing a mask and another may have had his face painted.

Deputies are speaking with neighbors and asking if anyone has surveillance footage.

There have been several home invasions in the area this year.

Hmmmm. Call me suspicious, but it seems odd that the woman was the only one shot by the reported home invaders, while the man, who was strong enough to "fight them off" ( 3 against one, no less) was not engaged with the firearm? If true, poor tactics by the invaders, should have taken out the biggest threat first. But the term criminal mastermind is an oxymoron, so…. Hope there is neighbor video available or sufficient physical evidence to support the story, or they might be taking a hard look at the man.
Hmmmm. Call me suspicious, but it seems odd that the woman was the only one shot by the reported home invaders, while the man, who was strong enough to "fight them off" ( 3 against one, no less) was not engaged with the firearm? If true, poor tactics by the invaders, should have taken out the biggest threat first. But the term criminal mastermind is an oxymoron, so…. Hope there is neighbor video available or sufficient physical evidence to support the story, or they might be taking a hard look at the man.
Edit: At first blush, is consistent with "Blame the black guys" - husband killed her.
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All of you bubblegumers are what is wrong with America...guilty until proven innocent on the man in the home. There have been multiple break-ins in the area, this isn't an isolated incident of a single home invasion. Did he find out who the attackers in the other invasions were and then beg them to come kill his wife? Some of the logic spewing in these forums is just plain retarded, it's unbelievable.
All of you bubblegumers are what is wrong with America...guilty until proven innocent on the man in the home. There have been multiple break-ins in the area, this isn't an isolated incident of a single home invasion. Did he find out who the attackers in the other invasions were and then beg them to come kill his wife? Some of the logic spewing in these forums is just plain retarded, it's unbelievable.
Nobody said he was guilty. It is just that the limited information provided sounds odd. This was a tragic event, whoever is responsible, but it does seem odd that the husband survived the invasion, and left his child in the house and ran to neighbors for help. And if the home invaders were willing to shoot his wife, but not him? Puzzling, which is why they investigate. To ascertain the facts. I will be relieved if there are neighbors security cameras that detected the three home invaders. And while there have been other home invasions in the general area (3 this year), I don't recall hearing of any homicides in those other cases.
Nobody said he was guilty. It is just that the limited information provided sounds odd. This was a tragic event, whoever is responsible, but it does seem odd that the husband survived the invasion, and left his child in the house and ran to neighbors for help. And if the home invaders were willing to shoot his wife, but not him? Puzzling, which is why they investigate. To ascertain the facts. I will be relieved if there are neighbors security cameras that detected the three home invaders. And while there have been other home invasions in the general area (3 this year), I don't recall hearing of any homicides in those other cases.
"At first blush, is consistent with "Blame the black guys" - husband killed her."....another member did. You, however, pretty much implied during your post you didn't believe his story and that it doesn't add up, conveniently forgetting the facts that there have been multiple other home invasions in the area. I would be much more inclined to lean your way if this was a sole incident. Maybe the thieves in those other invasions didn't face any resistance? Criminals will do crazy things when they are discovered and confronted, up to and including killing people. All I am saying is people need to change their mindset and stop looking at every single tragedy as a conspiracy theory and that the victim is somehow involved in the crime. Even police are starting to think this way and that BS needs to just stop right where it is.
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A Snohomish County woman was killed in an overnight home invasion.

At around 3 a.m. on Friday, three Black men entered a home on 96th Street Southeast just off 19th Avenue Southeast in unincorporated Everett.

Deputies say a family of three — a woman, her husband and their child — were in the home when the men forced their way inside.

The woman in her 30s was shot and died at the scene. Her husband fought the men off and they fled.

The man has minor injuries, and the child was not hurt.

One of the intruders was wearing a mask and another may have had his face painted.

Deputies are speaking with neighbors and asking if anyone has surveillance footage.

There have been several home invasions in the area this year.

The first thing I thought of, is not to rely on the "first on scene" media to report actual FACTS. Too much is not known yet and 9 out of 10 times, the media is working their agenda.
There is a reason that the police look at spouses/intimate partners first in homicide investigations.
Using your own article as a statistic, this lady was from the phillipines..meaning a homicide rate of 1.2 women per 100k (the lowest rate of virtually all ethnicities) since she was essentially a Pacific Islander. I already knew these facts due to my professional career. Also, you keep forgetting the facts...multiple home invasions in the area..again, multiple home invasions in the area. I am playing chess while you are playing checkers man.The other hilarious fact...Asian men are some of the least likely to commit murder...and he is Cambodian-American. Do you still think it's him?... Like I said, nothing but a bunch of bubblegumers like you assuming it's him. It's terrible and honestly a toxic mindset. Since when can't people use their brains and think on objectively based facts? There should be an IQ test for all jurors…
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