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I've never owned a Smith & Wesson, but for those of you sending your revolvers to them for gunsmith improvements, I just have to ask: why doesn't S&W manufacture their firearms at that higher standard to begin with? I only ask because I looked on their website and they offer all kinds of improvement packages (see below) which seems to imply they get quite a bit of business from people sending their S&Ws in for improvement. So what does that say about their manufacturing and/or design standards in the first place? And to be clear I'm not some kind of S&W hater, this may be happening with Ruger, Colt, Freedom Arms, whatever, but makes me wonder if there is some kind of planned obsolescence going on here.
I've polished interior parts and reamed/trued cylinder throats.
The cylinder work turned "patterns" into "groups" and the polishing made the DA operation so much nicer.
In DA a pound or so heavier pull is a lot easier to deal with than a sticky pull.
Either I or a smith has smoothed and resprung all of my DA revolvers. Once they have their actions smoothed they no longer need springs to be that strong to return the trigger or return the firing pins. Once everything moves as it should most mainsprings can be lightened too.
I also tend to change grips but my current 642 is still wearing its original boot grip. I even bought an extra for when this one wear's out.
Most of mine also wear day glow orange nail polish on the front sight.
My current 642 has been in my pocket for coming up on 10 years, when it goes in to get refinished, I will also add a big dot front sight. DR
My S&W 649 had a pretty heavy DA trigger pull when I first purchased. I took it to a gunsmith for tune, polish, springs, whatever it took. He did a great job, smooth as silk. He offered to buy it from me then and there but I declined. I still carry on occasion. A little more often this time of year. In fact I will carry when I make the two hour drive to Kallispell tomorrow.
I've never owned a Smith & Wesson, but for those of you sending your revolvers to them for gunsmith improvements, I just have to ask: why doesn't S&W manufacture their firearms at that higher standard to begin with? I only ask because I looked on their website and they offer all kinds of improvement packages (see below) which seems to imply they get quite a bit of business from people sending their S&Ws in for improvement. So what does that say about their manufacturing and/or design standards in the first place? And to be clear I'm not some kind of S&W hater, this may be happening with Ruger, Colt, Freedom Arms, whatever, but makes me wonder if there is some kind of planned obsolescence going on here.
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If there weren't improvements to be made on almost any trigger, companies like Timney, Rifle Basix, Trigger Tech, Apex, etc. wouldn't be in business.
Interesting question regarding Smiths. We have seven of their revolvers at the present. Vintages range from late 1960s to late 2010s. Calibers are a .38 Special, a .357 Magnum, two .44 Magnums, two .45 ACPs, and one .500 Magnum. All of them have good triggers, though some are better than others: the two .45 target models are fantastic in that department. Only one revolver (the .357) required a trip back to the factory for repair, which they did entirely on their dime, and in a timely manner. So, dunno, they work for us. But it could just be luck of the draw, I guess. 🤷‍♂️
I've owned several S&W revolvers(13), all but one have had good trigger pulls. The one that didn't was a likely unfired Combat Masterpiece. It had a "hitch" on one cylinder, I think it was on the extractor where the hand operates the cylinder, and after a few hundred rounds it smoothed out.
My EDC is almost always a Model 60-15.

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