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Yes, all of them. I don't say that to be snarky just that I shoot all my guns. Over time I've fine tuned my likes and that is reflected in my collection so I like to shoot and am a fair shot with all my guns. Today I plan on shooting a Glock 32, a Sig P-229 and a S&W Shield all in 357 Sig. I'm also going to bring along my Rock Island 38 Super. Last week I was shooting 45 Colt, 357 Mag and 380 acp. America means it's good to have choices.
EDC and I too like to cycle all of my firearms, at least every two years.
I've been slacking lately on getting through the lot though.
Need to step it up.
Yes, all of them. I don't say that to be snarky just that I shoot all my guns. Over time I've fine tuned my likes and that is reflected in my collection so I like to shoot and am a fair shot with all my guns. Today I plan on shooting a Glock 32, a Sig P-229 and a S&W Shield all in 357 Sig. I'm also going to bring along my Rock Island 38 Super. Last week I was shooting 45 Colt, 357 Mag and 380 acp. America means it's good to have choices.

I get it but pretty much all my handguns are older so not interested in drilling the slides for red dot. My EDC carry and pistol I shoot most often is a an Xmacro with a Holosun on it. Its just not most practical for some of the shoots at the range as I feel a larger 9mm with a cut slide would be the way to go as my eyes age.
My 92FS is great for open sight comps as is my P220.
I shoot most all of my guns a few times a year.

Today Im taking out my
AR 15 to fine tune a sight I added awhile back.
GP100 Match.
Oh, and trying my CMMG 22LR kit in a different AR to see if it runs better than the one Ive been trying to dial in. If it has same issue, check the want ads.
I carry a 10mm in the woods and a 9mm in the streets so those two EDC's get the most work. The revolvers, 1911's and other various forms are more for fun. Not that the other two are not fun.
Before they made selling guns a PITA all my guns got shot regularly. Now days I have many that do not leave the safe. My EDC guns of course get regular runs. My .22's both rifle and pistols also get regular use. With them its cheap fun.
Virtually all of mine...

Although the newest rifle will likely be a designated target rifle, unless I get into hunting...

Ruger Hawkeye long range target 300win mag suppressed.
Rimfires for sure get the most range time, simply due to economics. I love to shoot, but I love eating and having a roof over my head too! Ruger 22/45, Ruger 10/22 and S&W M&p 15/22 get the most love by far…
Rimfires for sure get the most range time, simply due to economics. I love to shoot, but I love eating and having a roof over my head too! Ruger 22/45, Ruger 10/22 and S&W M&p 15/22 get the most love by far…
Took me a LONG time to learn but, I finally did. Used to get tired of .22's and would sell. Sure as hell not long I would go buy another. Lost track of how many MK's and 10/22's I have bought and sold. No more selling. May get tired of one now and then but know better than to get rid of it now :D
Took me a LONG time to learn but, I finally did. Used to get tired of .22's and would sell. Sure as hell not long I would go buy another. Lost track of how many MK's and 10/22's I have bought and sold. No more selling. May get tired of one now and then but know better than to get rid of it now :D
I hear ya! Still regret to this day selling my CZ kadet kit.

I may not be buying many firearms nowadays, but I'm not selling them either! Just trying my best to enjoy shooting what I have…
I read the question wrong the first time, I thought you had asked if there was a dedicated range. So my answer to that is yes, 2.
At the house I have a short range ~40 yards in the back yard for .22 and pistol. I also have 250 and 400 yard targets. If I go out on the property I have some 100-300 yard targets set up. At our other house we have targets from 50 yards to 600 yards.

I have many guns because I like them, some are interesting, some are unique and some are family hand downs. In reality I have less than 10 that I shoot on a regular basis.

My dedicated .22 AR is one of the guns I shoot the most. It is fun to shoot, accurate, quiet, cost effective, and the controls are familiar and carry over to my other "carry" guns. I have plenty of ammo for the "big" guns, but unless I am shooting over 100 yards or shooting squirrels they are not really any funner than the .22.
Took me a LONG time to learn but, I finally did. Used to get tired of .22's and would sell. Sure as hell not long I would go buy another. Lost track of how many MK's and 10/22's I have bought and sold. No more selling. May get tired of one now and then but know better than to get rid of it now :D
Wisdom right there. Can be hard to replace things as laws get tighter. Things like pump shotguns etc who cares cuz they can be replaced anytime but the ones likely to be banned don't sell unless one needs to to "trade up" into a gun they really want. For me it's the really high value (by "value" I mean obtained great gun for low cost, not overall monetary value) are hard to get rid of. When you have so little $ into it and it's great fun, great design, beautiful, interesting design, (ie whatever that value is to you) it makes more sense to keep it imo. Fe ultra reliable mag fed semi auto shotgun with low recoil for $300. Makes no sense to sell them ever really to my way of thinking. Mainly cuz it would cost 3-5x their cost to replace. And if laws change like in WA can't replace for any price.
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