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Went to the local DMV to transfer a title, pay for registration (new tags), and pay a fee to keep my old plates. I knew exactly how much it would be, and counted out the exact amount on the counter as the clerk was filling out their portion of the paperwork. He finally says "that will be xxx dollars". I say "excuse me, how much?" he looks down, adds it up again and tells me the same amount. If I was at the local grocery, I would have tried to correct him (I have on occasion when I knew they were shorting themselves). I admit, I thought the highway robbery of current fees to register a car in Portland was too darn much anyway, so rather than argue (or point out his obvious error), I kept my mouth shut, payed the bill, got my tags and left.

Two weeks go by, I'm still chuckling to myself, until today when I get a letter from the DMV demanding payment of an additional $77 within 30 days or they will cancel the transaction/registration. Since I paid in cash, and the receipt was for the correct higher amount, I can't imagine how long it took to figure out the till shortage was from my transaction.

Moral: Do the right thing the first time around
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do you think theyd cut you a check if you paid too much and found out later??

its not YOUR fault the employee messed up... sure there is the whole integrity and morals behind doing the right thing but honestly,yeah, the DMV deserves to get hosed every once in a while...

this reminds me of the local garbage company. i pay for recycle and yard debris year round and 90% of the time the cans are only half full or even empty and i dont put them out but the remaing 10% of the time they may be slightly over full to where the lid isnt closed completely (Christmas for recycling, spring/ early summer for yard debris) and they nail me with an additional fee for them being too full.

moral of my story: f---'m


WHEW!!! i think i got more worked up than you for a sec. :rolleyes:
If you have a receipt that shows the proper amount paid in full I don't see how they could threaten your registration with cancellation. At this point it is their word against yours and you have a document provided by them showing that they were compensated to their satisfaction. If you go to the grocery store and they undercharge you for a gallon of milk they cant come to your house and take it away from you?. I too say Frig em!.:mad:
If you have a receipt that shows the proper amount paid in full I don't see how they could threaten your registration with cancellation. At this point it is their word against yours and you have a document provided by them showing that they were compensated to their satisfaction. If you go to the grocery store and they undercharge you for a gallon of milk they cant come to your house and take it away from you?. I too say Frig em!.:mad:

Um, you can't see how? This is the state. They can do anything they want. True you could take them to court and fight it but as my dad has told me more than once "you can't fight city hall"
It's also akin to government building/construction inspectors. They'll inspect and approve something, check it off on the jobsite inspection sheet then can come back and "unapprove" something that was approved and it'll cost you big money to "deconstruct" or correct whatever it was.... or approve everything and the building falls/burns down because they didn't catch something, yet they aren't held accountable in any way, shape, or form.

slightly off topic......over a decade ago I had a new septic system installed....which required 'certified deactivation' of the old septic tank, ie a licensed guy did certain work of compliance, who then called a licensed bureaucrat inspector to officially authorize 'closure' of the old system.

That all done, I was issued a little card confirmed who did what to who and what it cost to do such. I made sure to keep the little ticket......sure enough, merely 7 years later, the county sends notice 'not in compliance' yadda yadda yadda......and it will cost me xxx$$$xxx for every molecule inspection means having to pay backhoe guy for digging up the old 'closed' system.....would have cost many $hundreds......

except I produced copy of the little ticket signed & stamped ....all the encouraging threats evaporated....

so save them receipts.....
do you think theyd cut you a check if you paid too much and found out later??

its not YOUR fault the employee messed up... sure there is the whole integrity and morals behind doing the right thing but honestly,yeah, the DMV deserves to get hosed every once in a while...

this reminds me of the local garbage company. i pay for recycle and yard debris year round and 90% of the time the cans are only half full or even empty and i dont put them out but the remaing 10% of the time they may be slightly over full to where the lid isnt closed completely (Christmas for recycling, spring/ early summer for yard debris) and they nail me with an additional fee for them being too full.

moral of my story: f---'m


WHEW!!! i think i got more worked up than you for a sec. :rolleyes:

The trash company I used to use would go through my trash and leave the items they didn't want to take on my curb--They didn't last very long:eek:

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