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Had great times taking moose in Alaska, antelope in Wyoming, bear in Idaho and javelina in Arizona. One moose is antlers mount only, and the other is European mount. Bear and javelina are cleaned skulls along with javelina. Antelope is a European mount. Have a beautiful brown phase black bear rug on the wall.

All the kids have no interest or have their own trophies. Can't figure out if it is legal to sell them or where to donate? Downsizing and moving to a different residence in Arizona. Advice or directions.

I've seen these auctioned off with mixed success.

Set no reserve and you will get something out of it. If no bids , I believe the auction facility will be the new owner. Not sure your location, but there's an auction house within 100 miles of you I'm sure.
In the 50's an uncle shot a large moose and had a shoulder mount done. It takes a lot of wall space and a high ceiling to hang it . He eventually hung it in a local grocery store. DR
When I was looking to buy antlers and/or a head mount a few years ago, I was told that it is illegal to sell such items in Oregon unless accompanied by the original hunter's tag. Don't know about the laws in other states.
Currently at Arizona Game and Fish to get the official answer on the legal aspect of selling my mounts. They said absolutely legal in this State.

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