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BLM activist Hank Newsome says "we need some black vigilantes" and calls for killing white people:

Pure, unadulterated racism. NO respect for the law.

This guy needs to be arrested for promoting vigilantism and murder.
I wonder how the BLM & company will react if Dan Penny gets a Congressional Gold Medal for bravery as proposed.
I saw this news conference, all about how the poor black man was just asking for food, but not one word about the 45 arrests, and current arrest warrants for a violent attack on another subway train! 23 of those arrests were for violent attacks.
How many there had done anything to get Neely off the street, off drugs, or treated for his mental issues?
Neely's father is Sueing Penny , and hopping for a big payday. I would donate to Penny's legal fund if he files a counter suit against Neely's father for dumping his mental drug addict on the public! DR
Wow, so here's a black person, unlike that POS George Floyd, that could have amounted to something. But instead chose racism and hatred, and became a POS anyway.
I remember the guy being interviewed by Candice Owens only because I almost got in a barfight for repeating some of the stupid crap he said, some lameass blm'er biotch overhead and tried to sic her equally lame boyfriend on me.

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