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Collectors West canceled thier yearly gun show out here in St. Helen's at the fair grounds this weekend. It's pretty sad that the one weekend that they have it out here each year they cancel. Pretty simple for me - you dont support me or my community - I dont support you

Collectors West I can only speak for myself but I will never attend one of your gun shows again. Rant off.
Disappointment here too!
We were headed out the door for it from the Beaverton area.
Good thing (at my wife's suggestion) we decided to go on line just before we left to check the hours, only to find it cancelled!!
Yes, a week before the show they emailed saying there was a scheduling conflict that could not be resolved. It was on their site as well.

Some people still decided to have a stroke about it despite the warning like Collectors West hates St Helens all of a sudden or something.
So we get to wait another year and they might come back - doesn't sound like they support this community to me
I got the email as well so what?
So don't act surprised and hurt that they couldn't make it happen, and go to Hillsboro next weekend like the rest of us. It's not like the shows have anything different at them anyway.
Go to hillsboro if you want I like going to the fair grounds here . I wait most of the year for this one
If they dont support my community I dont support them. Surprising you dont understand this its your community as well.
I often wonder, in today's political climate, if cost of required event insurance wouldn't be a killer. Possible reason for cancellation. I have seen that happen with other "frowned upon" activities such as motorcycle rallies, local fundraising "turkey shoots" and rifle raffles.
Could be Collectors West did not sign up enough vendors to attend and rightfully assumed a resulting poor attendance. Can't expect them to go in the hole for lack of financial income. Might be seeing the end of gun shows in Oregon, if people don't start getting involved and speaking up in support.
It never matters what the reason is if it doesn't align with what you've already made up your mind it to be.

There's no conversation or news here.
There might be a couple of exceptions but in general you are right. I have acquired a dislike for Collectors West due to thier own actions. Now all we need is a good gun shop here in St. Helens.
I don't understand the butthurtness without knowing why the show was cancelled. I always have to drive a distance to a show as Salem seems to only have one a year. No biggie, get to hang out with friends and have a road trip. Good times. :s0155:
Tactical Ammunition and Ordnance had a gun show here in town last weekend. It was fairly small but only cost 5 dollars to get in. They had a pretty good turn out and did not have the junk items that Collectors' West usually has. As for a local gun shop I do not think that will ever happen. The closest thing we have to that is Bearded Innovations. He is a guy running a business out of his home. Nice guy to deal with and he has quite a bit in stock. Bearded Innovations, LLC | Firearms and Gear for sale | St Helens | 97051
Tactical Ammunition and Ordnance had a gun show here in town last weekend. It was fairly small but only cost 5 dollars to get in. They had a pretty good turn out and did not have the junk items that Collectors' West usually has. As for a local gun shop I do not think that will ever happen. The closest thing we have to that is Bearded Innovations. He is a guy running a business out of his home. Nice guy to deal with and he has quite a bit in stock. Bearded Innovations, LLC | Firearms and Gear for sale | St Helens | 97051
Thanks for confirming what I had heard which to me is a BS reason for cancelling this one. So I will stick to my opinion. Personally hope CW doesnt come back. I would rather go down to Tactical Ammunition if they want to pick this up. I believe that we will have a real gun shop and well I am at it hoping for a good butcher shop.
ya screw CW. just start goin to the ARPC show down in albany. best show in the NW, IMO. they do it twice a year. spring and fall usually.
Well I've heard Mt. Saint Helens is at risk now with the recent activity in the Cascadia Subduction Zone might have something to do with that....
My calendar shows Albany gun show today. 5x bigger than St Helens. If that's the case it maje sense. Not show how both got scheduled the same day.
I stopped going to gun shows about 5 years ago.
Just too much money to park and get, a lot of the inventory is over priced.
And the same people/vendors there everytime.
Since about 2012 when they were trying to gouge people $80 for a brick of .22lr I moved most if not all my shopping online.
My calendar shows Albany gun show today. 5x bigger than St Helens. If that's the case it maje sense. Not show how both got scheduled the same day.
Wes Knodel guns and knife show, much smaller than ARPC's. Wes Knodel also has another show in Spokane, WA. They supposedly different from Collectors West.

Edit; I've not been to the St. Helens one , but was at a Canby show (CW i think? Or Wes Knodel?) And it was pretty small as well.
The interesting thing is that Oregon State Legislature determined that any time there are more than 25 guns for sale, and it is not a FFL business/retail store, it is a "gun show".
The nice thing about these little town gun show is easy access, no parking fees, your likely to run into your neighbors and very friendly people. For me its maybe a half mile from my house to the Columbia county fair gtoinds. To me the larger city gun shows have much less appeal.

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