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The CRGC Rimfire Speed Steel matches are up in Practiscore and open for registrations. Two changes, one big and one you'll hardly notice have been made for the 2025 season. The first big change is that we are going to try an every-other-month format starting in January with the last bi-monthly match in November. Our matches are either on the 4th Saturday and have been deconflicted with DRRC and TCGC's rimfire steel matches. The second change is that we will not be affiliated with Rimfire Challenge Shooting Association this year but that will not have any impact on you as a shooter or the format of our match. As always, we will have 3 stages pistol and 3 rifle consisting of 5 to 7 plates fired from a static position.

For those interested in the 2025 Oregon Rimfire Speed Steel Championship series, stand by for dates to be announced.

Does 3 stages pistol and 3 stages rifle mean shooters bring both a pistol and a rifle they shoot 6 total stages, but if you only bring a pistol or only a rifle you only get 3 stages for your match?
I would say no. @dcr25060?

Is someone did not have both a pistol AND a rifle, you might be able to borrow/share a fellow squad mate's gun. My squad did just that at TCGC's speed steel last Sunday.

A bit of coordination with fellow shooters here ahead of the match you are wanting to attend, someone should be able to hook you up with a gun to shoot.
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Does 3 stages pistol and 3 stages rifle mean shooters bring both a pistol and a rifle they shoot 6 total stages, but if you only bring a pistol or only a rifle you only get 3 stages for your match?
To be clear. This is a two gun match. If you need to borrow a second gun, or even share with another shooter, that is fine. If you want to compete pistol only, Steel Challenge is your game.
Yes, thanks for the clarity. Almost every match like this I have participated in (or ran) there is somebody that wants to shoot just a pistol or just a rifle.

This can be because they may only posses one or the other, or they want to maximize their training with a particular platform or ...?

Regardless of the reason, there are some matches that will say, "sure, just register for, say, the rifle stages twice. Other matches don't want to deal with the potential lop-sided squads and say no.

Either way is good. I was checking to see which way this match was run.

I shoot speed steel at TCGC and ARPC. I usually run two guns at those matches (rimfire pistol and rifle with red dots).Both of those matches are 6 stages each and both centerfire and rimfire are welcome. As long as the two guns you want to run are not in the same division, you are fine.

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