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With the laws constantly changing I'm getting a lot of conflicting information in the interwebs. What are the benefits and drawbacks? Can I buy 50 year old guns and have them shipped to my house? If not, I only pay $10 for an FFL transfer so might not be worth the hassle if there's not more benefits. I live in Oregon. Any input is appreciated.
In Oregon? Largely a waste of time. There are some ancillary benefits, but you can't have them shipped directly to your house any more thanks to SB 941.
$10 for a FFL transfer......nice.
Around my neck of the woods it is $50 or more.....and here I thought robbery was a crime.....

I understand that the FFL is looking to make money....
And I understand that I am taking up time and space of the FFL for my transfer....
However I used to work for a FFL...and $50 or more for a transfer fee is BS.

I ordered several C&R's under my C&R license and had them shipped directly to my door... in the 80's and 90's. Today a C&R license in Oregon is worthless.
No, in Oregon you can't get anything vintage shipped directly to your house. Don't waste your time. As stated by others, a C&R in Oregon is worthless. The good old days are long over.
$10 for a FFL transfer......nice.
Around my neck of the woods it is $50 or more.....and here I thought robbery was a crime.....

I understand that the FFL is looking to make money....
And I understand that I am taking up time and space of the FFL for my transfer....
However I used to work for a FFL...and $50 or more for a transfer fee is BS.

Agreed. Here in Oregon, it costs $10 for each OSP background check. When I ran a side FFL, I only charged $20 total. Ten for the state and ten for my time to log in, process the paperwork, handle the background check, take carry of any secondary, et al. Seemed reasonable to me and I had a steady client base. Alas, I hung up the license this summer. Planned life changes / goals is the primary reason, but the seemingly endless parade of new BS laws was also a factor.

I didn't bother to renew mine when the new law was enacted, it became completely worthless.
I did the same when mine came up for renewal shortly after they past that law. But look on the bright side the law did, well, nothing to stop violent crime in the 🦫 state. 🫤
One advantage is, there are still some individuals in this country who will transfer a firearm directly to a C&R License holder.

The State law puts the responsibility on the transferor in regards to complying with the State law around transfers.


The seller would be violating the Oregon transfer law if he transferred this directly to me, even if I had a C&R License. I would not be in violation of the Oregon law.

Another example:

And another:

Here is the relevant part of the transfer law describing who gets punished:

(a)A transferor who fails to comply with the requirements of this section commits a Class A misdemeanor.
(b)Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this subsection, a transferor who fails to comply with the requirements of this section commits a Class B felony if the transferor has a previous conviction under this section at the time of the offense. [2015 c.50 §2]

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Another thing to consider is that Gunbroker and other sites have a very large group of FFL's that will NOT ship to C&R Holders, which is dumb, but its their business.

As for the fees, I think that everyone complains but there is a large cost to run a gun store now days that people just don't see. The one I work at will have a huge increase in the business license fees this year because of anti-gun legislation, we are talking it going from $100 a year to $1500 per year. And that just one thing, there were cameras to buy security, systems to update, safes to buy, etc etc etc (literally). We know one gun store closed here recently (he had less expensive transfer fees compared to ours, just sayin') and THREE others are saying its over in June when the very costly security measures legislation take effect.

Another thing to consider is that Gunbroker and other sites have a very large group of FFL's that will NOT ship to C&R Holders, which is dumb, but its their business.
When I was C&R-ing that was easily the biggest annoyance. So many dealers were clueless as to 03FFLs and refused to ship items that were obviously and demonstrably C&R eligible. Their business, their call, of course, but understanding the regulations surrounding said isn't exactly rocket science.
If you had a C&R license you could meet this guy at a BK parking lot and pick up this rifle. Some people still play it old school, the way it should be.


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