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This is from an email from Conservative Ladies of America.

This is from an email from Conservative Ladies of America.

View attachment 1999504
At this point, Washington State needs to face a massive lawsuit for prejudice against firearm owners. This is insanity. Meanwhile heroin users can shoot up downtown, leave needles (that they got for free) everywhere, run into traffic, attack people or better yet.. a radical movement can take over a city block and face ZERO terrorism was all just a summer of love.
As usual, all I see are a bunch of böölsheet ways to ensure more unconstitutional, political and economical barriers to the 2A rights of the good citizens. All under the guise of "safety". Give me a break. As if they are fooling us gun owners out there who can see through their malarkey clear as day.
What's not mentioned (and I think the libs in the legislature as well as Sideshow Bob are keeping under their hat) is that the efforts to rescind state preemption will likely be redoubled. They're not talking about it because they don't want us to have time to get mobilized, but look out...

In any event, the morons apparently haven't been keeping up with the recently passed laws, i.e., dealer storage requirements, safe storage for citizen gun owners, sensitive places, etc.

The permit to purchase, ammo taxes and extra taxes on firearms, are a major concern. And prohibiting "bulk ammo" sales? Looks as though they also don't understand this crap gives us a lot of grounds for legal action pursuant to Bruen et al.
This is from an email from Conservative Ladies of America.

View attachment 1999504
Childless Cat Ladies? They don't know what's already on the books. They already passed a law that says you can have a gun ready to go in your night stand. It has to be in a safe. What a bunch of bull 💩. If these "ladies" ever need a gun to save themselves, I hope they don't find one, and nobody with one acts on their behalf, except for maybe the police…30 minutes too late.
@1911Fanatic some clarity:

The posted JPG image is originally from an anti-2A organization called The Alliance for Gun Responsibility. It was sent in an email from a pro-2A organization called Conservative Ladies for America.

For the 2025 legislative session in Washington State expect to see anti-2A legislators introduce draft Bills (legislation) that aligns to the objectives set forth by The Alliance for Gun Responsibility.
Childless Cat Ladies? They don't know what's already on the books. They already passed a law that says you can have a gun ready to go in your night stand. It has to be in a safe. What a bunch of bull 💩. If these "ladies" ever need a gun to save themselves, I hope they don't find one, and nobody with one acts on their behalf, except for maybe the police…30 minutes too late.
Why are you so mad at a group that is trying to help by alerting us to bad things the liberals are trying to push?
I'm still left wondering what the typical "Conservative Lady of America looks like... is she hot (like some of the female anchors on Fox News)? Or does she look like one of Lily Tomlin's or Gilda Radner's characters on the old Saturday Night Live show?
I'm still left wondering what the typical "Conservative Lady of America looks like... is she hot (like some of the female anchors on Fox News)? Or does she look like one of Lily Tomlin's or Gilda Radner's characters on the old Saturday Night Live show?


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