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There are 70+ big city DA in America that are supported by George Soros .....
They believe in restorative justice for the liberal criminal and penal justice for everyone else .
Correct. Mike Schmidt is one of those. They all ran on a "minimal prosecutions" policy and received Soros funding.

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Yes. OR state patrol refused to help in Portland riots right after he said that publicly.

He has a long track record of not prosecuting even violent offenders from one political side. And he goes after those from the other political side HARD! Many, many examples of this in Portland during the riots. Also don't forget he is close friends and college buddies with Antifa leadership.
When our own government has reached this level of tyranny, there is no place anyone us safe from politcal prosecution, not even inside your own home.
Isnt he the guy that publicly announced Portland was not going to prosecute certain offenders during the "mostly peaceful " protests ?
Crime has risen greatly in Portland, they do not want to put bad guys in jail. And virtually all of it is because of politics not justice.
Yeah, he was voted out of office last spring for a guy I went to law school with whose been a prosecutor his entire 24 year career. Nathan Vasquez is perhaps a little liberal for a DA, but that's not very liberal. 😂

At this point bagging on Mike Schmidt is old news. He'll be out in December.

To some degree I agree with Schmidt's decision to not prosecute people protesting for violations that did not involve vandalism or assaulting police officers—vandals and those engaged in violence WERE charged and prosecuted. Refusing to disperse when ordered by police or the catch-all resisting arrest might be protected by the first amendment. Those sorts of cases would've just wasted the court's time, the DA's time, the dramatically understaffed public defense firms' time and bogged down the criminal justice system with BS "you didn't listen to the police" cases.
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Yeah, he was voted out of office last spring for a guy I went to law school with whose been a prosecutor his entire 24 year career. Nathan Vasquez is perhaps a little liberal for a DA, but that's not very liberal. 😂

To some degree I agree with Schmidt's decision to not prosecute people protesting for violations that did not involve vandalism or assaulting police officers—vandals and those engaged in violence WERE charged and prosecuted. Refusing to disperse when ordered by police or the catch-all resisting arrest might be protected by the first amendment. Those sorts of cases would've just wasted the court's time, the DA's time, the dramatically understaffed public defense firms' time and bogged down the criminal justice system with BS "you didn't listen to the police" cases.
Completely disagree. They were not prosecuted. Precincts set on fire at least 40 times. One near me they baracaded the doors then set the building on fire trying to trap the police inside so they would burn to death. Same night they threw paint on elderly woman trying to stop them. Zero prosecutions. This repeated itself over and over. Attempted murder, no prosecutions. Even the reinhoel murderer who killed a Trump supporter in cold blood police didn't even make much of any effort to find him (although citizens did). After us marshalls shot him Schmidt said it was "sad".

Antifa could operate with complete immunity here and they knew it. Antifa celebrating the murder of a man who was killed in cold blood because he was identified as a Trump supporter:
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Well, who is US really?
Law abiding gun owners who believe whole heartedly in all aspects of the constitution and who understand the 2A was very intentionally added to defend the rest. Those who will defend themselves and their loved ones with the use of deadly force if there are no other alternatives.

Political leanings, race, gender, etc, etc... aside. No need to complicate this further.
However, this thread has taken a dramatic diversion from its intended direction. I'm partial to dogs, 9 mm Austrian handguns with high capacity magazines, and 9 mm PCC all with lights and easy sighting systems loaded with JHP rounds for my home defense set-ups!
Yeah, he was voted out of office last spring for a guy I went to law school with whose been a prosecutor his entire 24 year career. Nathan Vasquez is perhaps a little liberal for a DA, but that's not very liberal. 😂

At this point bagging on Mike Schmidt is old news. He'll be out in December.

To some degree I agree with Schmidt's decision to not prosecute people protesting for violations that did not involve vandalism or assaulting police officers—vandals and those engaged in violence WERE charged and prosecuted. Refusing to disperse when ordered by police or the catch-all resisting arrest might be protected by the first amendment. Those sorts of cases would've just wasted the court's time, the DA's time, the dramatically understaffed public defense firms' time and bogged down the criminal justice system with BS "you didn't listen to the police" cases.
Assuming thats true, its his public announcement that didnt need to happen it only encouraged more rioting and now more people were able to skirt that line. It was entirely a politically motivated selection, he would never have publicly announced such an order if it was conservatives rioting.
And lets not forget the short staffed police was because of the whole progressive defund the police movement.
However, this thread has taken a dramatic diversion from its intended direction. I'm partial to dogs, 9 mm Austrian handguns with high capacity magazines, and 9 mm PCC all with lights and easy sighting systems loaded with JHP rounds for my home defense set-ups!
I did not used to feel the 9mm had much to offer until I found out what they do in a rifle. Bought Wife the first PCC in 9mm due to her not liking the recoil in the larger. Then I found out that with good ammo (which is what I keep) that little rifle was turning in the same performance as a .357 did with 4 inch tube. I suddenly started looking at that first little 9mm rifle in a whole new light. That it has that much power and is so damn easy to use? I soon bought some more of them :D
Assuming thats true, its his public announcement that didnt need to happen it only encouraged more rioting and now more people were able to skirt that line. It was entirely a politically motivated selection, he would never have publicly announced such an order if it was conservatives rioting.
And lets not forget the short staffed police was because of the whole progressive defund the police movement.
Well, I think the key part of that announcement is "peaceful.". I respectfully disagree with I my fellow Portlander's assessment of the level of prosecution. There were absolutely news stories of people who were charged with very serious crimes for assaulting police, vandalism, and arson. Those people are going go to jail, as they should.
I did not used to feel the 9mm had much to offer until I found out what they do in a rifle. Bought Wife the first PCC in 9mm due to her not liking the recoil in the larger. Then I found out that with good ammo (which is what I keep) that little rifle was turning in the same performance as a .357 did with 4 inch tube. I suddenly started looking at that first little 9mm rifle in a whole new light. That it has that much power and is so damn easy to use? I soon bought some more of them :D
I posed the question on here a couple years ago about why any body would want to have a large format AR style pistol PCC instead of a Glock. Then I started shooting rifles more. The bottom line is I'm five times more accurate with something that has additional points of contact with my body than an unbraced pistol. My research also showed that the sweet spot for the 9 mm barrel, to maximize effectiveness of the round, is 8 to 10 inches. (Google ballistics by the inch).

If I lived in the country, I imagine that 556, or 223, or 300 blackout is what I would choose. I like my next-door neighbors, I don't wanna kill them, their kid or their dog, I've watched enough videos testing various rounds on drywall, mocked up to represent walls, to not for a second believe that 223/5.56 is likely to over penetrate more than 9mm and perhaps cause problems on innocents in an urban environment like mine. Now if I lived back east where most of the houses were brick then it might be a different story.
Completely disagree. They were not prosecuted. Precincts set on fire at least 40 times. One near me they baracaded the doors then set the building on fire trying to trap the police inside so they would burn to death. Same night they threw paint on elderly woman trying to stop them. Zero prosecutions. This repeated itself over and over. Attempted murder, no prosecutions. Even the reinhoel murderer who killed a Trump supporter in cold blood police didn't even make much of any effort to find him (although citizens did). After us marshalls shot him Schmidt said it was "sad".

Antifa could operate with complete immunity here and they knew it. Antifa celebrating the murder of a man who was killed in cold blood because he was identified as a Trump supporter:
The guy who killed that Trump supporter didn't go to jail, that's absolutely true. He was shot by Federal agents in WA while being apprehended. (FWIW I think that guy was a moron and a murderer and though I feel bad for his kids and would have preferred that he be tried for his crime—as a longer in the publics's mind example that political violence IS not tolerated regardless of "side"—I do find it hard to care he was killed during an attempt to take him into custody). That's hardly an example of getting away with it.

I recognize I started this diversion with my approval of Schmidt —again who will not be DA in December—not prosecuting some protestors following the 2020 George Floyd protests. It could even go back to trusting the prosecutors in Multnomah to not prosecute the shooting and perhaps killing an intruder in one's home. The intent was not to get into politics. Mea culpa.

Again, let's get back to the thread.
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Again, let's get back to the thread.
Thread was abandoned by OP.

You may now drift about the cabin...


Seriously though, this is a decently productive drift. I wouldn't sweat it. Vast improvement from the first few pages...
Mike Schmidt was elected Multnomah County District Attorney in May 2020. He was appointed by Oregon's governor to begin his term several months early, on August 1, 2020, when the former district attorney retired. His official term, as elected, started January 1, 2021.

If he had any class he would have relinquished his position early in August like his predecessor did .... but Mike is like school vacation ............... no class .
Mike Schmidt was elected Multnomah County District Attorney in May 2020. He was appointed by Oregon's governor to begin his term several months early, on August 1, 2020, when the former district attorney retired. His official term, as elected, started January 1, 2021.

If he had any class he would have relinquished his position early in August like his predecessor did .... but Mike is like school vacation ............... no class .
You don't get unemployment if you quit!

The Maligator...clean up on aisle 3.

If there's anything left after's usually a few scraps for the pigs and chickens to pick through.

The last one made it back to the edge of the property minus their pants and the left butt cheek severely disfigured.

But I do have a Red Ryder just in case...
Doors and windows are all locked, dogs are posted downstairs and they will bark like crazy. If the intruder is stupid enough to ignore them and come in anyways, then the dogs will eat them. If there is anything left by the time we get downstairs, they will be shot. Crisis over. Then we will be up all night talking to the police about all the excitement.

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