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I will say that having clothing that promotes violence, adding stickers onto your guns that promotes violence or makes you look like a psycho/radical can hurt you big time in court. Fe the words "your f...Ed" on the dust cover of the AR below helped get the cop who wielded it charged with murder (railsford).

That stuff is stupid and does nothing beneficial. In contrast a suppressor has a simple and logical explanation "it's there to protect my family's hearing if god forbid I should ever have to use it". Similar to the rittenhouse case where the prosecutor tried to use bs arguments to make out like he was a crazed killer, those are easily dismissed. However photos shown in court of stupid bubblegum you put on your gun, car, or on your clothes could easily influence a jury of your so called peers. All imo.

IMG_9815.png a point.
It should not make a difference for self / home defense what is used it a firearm or firearm accessory like a suppressor.
The same goes for ammo...knives...etc.

Depending on where you the local law enforcement agency feels about certain firearms they respond / how you respond to them...
Can all make it easy or difficult for you.
Appearances matter...and often the mind sees and hears what it expects to be there...and not what is actually there.

Please note that I am not saying to live in fear or not use something that is effective for defense.
I am saying that it is prudent to take into account that what happened can / will appear different to those who may have witnessed the well as those who are responding to it.

A good shoot /clear case of self defense should be just that....however there is that word should...both in my post and yours.
When the fire department has to show up also because the perp got lit up with dragons breathe and now your own house is on fire. It was umm, self defense!
Whose to say it was or wasn't attached when the cops show up an hour later?
YES! Not to mention if it was a "good shoot" who cares? As always if anyone has to shoot the most important thing then is SHUT UP! If I had a can on a gun I used for a shoot at home? I would take the can off only due to figuring they were going to take the gun into "evidence". Would not want them holding the can too. I also would NOT say a word to Police about that part. If I mention it at all it would be to the lawyer.
My primary HD gun right now is a DD MK25, with the 10.3 556 barrel. I run a SilencerCo Velos on it. Shooting that gun without a can or hearing protection will absolutely destroy your hearing in a closed room/home. Shooting it with the can, it is quieter, but still definitely still not hearing safe.

There is a belief that putting a suppressor on any gun makes it 'movie quiet', and that is just not the case- if it is a supersonic round, it is still loud, especially indoors. Now if you are running say 300blk subs or 9mm subs, then ok maybe some kind of argument could be made in court. I would recommend using the best balistic round you can, which means supers not subs.

If i were to have a self defense shooting in my home with my 556/suppressor combo, and a lawyer was trying to paint me as some kind of sniper/james bond type, I would just offer him and the jury to stand next to me in a closed room without hearing protection, and then tell me afterwards if they thought it was quiet. . . ;-);)
Something to consider if you go to court...
It doesn't matter if you are right...or if what you did / used / said / etc...makes sense , is legal , etc....
( it is helpful no doubt )

What does matter , at the end of the day.... is what the jury decides.
Having served on a jury a time or two...I can say that my so called peers ....are lacking in many things at times.
Something to consider if you go to court...
It doesn't matter if you are right...or if what you did / used / said / etc...makes sense , is legal , etc....
( it is helpful no doubt )

What does matter , at the end of the day.... is what the jury decides.
Having served on a jury a time or two...I can say that my so called peers ....are lacking in many things at times.
Think of the most average person you know. Half of the population is dumber than that person.
I live in residential hood in middle of city. 10' between houses. Small yards. Fences limiting access from street. Fur alarms to dissuade or alert for intruders.

For night-time no time emergency, Glock 17 with red dot and TLR -1 and 147gr JHPs.

Noise breaking in giving me a minute, Ruger PC9 with light and dot sight, and 33rd Glock mag with 147gr JHP.

The only people breaking in around here will be junkies who were not lucky enough to wake the dogs before entering. Not concerned about them having weapons OR body armor. Junkies can't hang onto anything of value.
Something to consider if you go to court...
It doesn't matter if you are right...or if what you did / used / said / etc...makes sense , is legal , etc....
( it is helpful no doubt )

What does matter , at the end of the day.... is what the jury decides.
Having served on a jury a time or two...I can say that my so called peers ....are lacking in many things at times.

That's absolutely true. However, if somebody's in your house breaking in and it clearly looks like a self-defense situation then even in super liberal Multnomah County the DA is probably not gonna charge you for shooting an intruder in your home, provided you call 911 right away and legally possess your firearm. If on the porch or in your yard, then I think you probably might have some troubles.
That's absolutely true. However, if somebody's in your house breaking in and it clearly looks like a self-defense situation then even in super liberal Multnomah County the DA is probably not gonna charge you for shooting an intruder in your home, provided you call 911 right away and legally possess your firearm. If on the porch or in your yard, then I think you probably might have some troubles.
Your probably right, and Im probably a little off but Ive lost all faith in the justice system in progressive states, even inside ones home.
That's absolutely true. However, if somebody's in your house breaking in and it clearly looks like a self-defense situation then even in super liberal Multnomah County the DA is probably not gonna charge you for shooting an intruder in your home, provided you call 911 right away and legally possess your firearm. If on the porch or in your yard, then I think you probably might have some troubles.
I wouldn't put much faith in juries or the court....however...that is just me.
Ive lost all faith in the justice system in progressive states, even inside ones home.
Yep... this ☝.

Make no mistake... we are the villains now. With that, the powers that be would love nothing more than to make an example of us. Even if that example is made in an unjustified way.
You could have the most clean cut case, but if your situation intersects at all with any current social justice issue there will always be something different a progressive prosecutor will claim you could/should have done.
I wouldn't put much faith in juries or the court....however...that is just me.
I don't care how liberal Mike Schmidt was in the Multnomah County district attorneys office. DAs are DAs. They want to put bad guys in jail. They do not like criminals. They do not want to put citizens who were defending themselves in their homes in jail. They themselves all have guns. I doubt there's any prosecuting attorney who doesn't have a gun readily assessable in their bedroom. There is worried about criminals, breaking into their houses as you are, except they're worried about criminals breaking in who have a grudge against them.

Now if my self-defense claim wasn't airtight I would not want to have that defense decided by a Multnomah County jury, only because so many members of the community are automatically skeptical of people who own firearms. It would probably be fine, but it would certainly be a cause for worry.
I don't care how liberal Mike Schmidt was in the Multnomah County district attorneys office. DAs are DAs. They want to put bad guys in jail. They do not like criminals. They do not want to put citizens who were defending themselves in their homes in jail. They themselves all have guns. I doubt there's any prosecuting attorney who doesn't have a gun readily assessable in their bedroom. There is worried about criminals, breaking into their houses as you are, except they're worried about criminals breaking in who have a grudge against them.

Now if my self-defense claim wasn't airtight I would not want to have that defense decided by a Multnomah County jury, only because so many members of the community are automatically skeptical of people who own firearms. It would probably be fine, but it would certainly be a cause for worry.
I don't see it that least in my experience where I live.
That is a very important thing to consider.....where you live what happens...could be vastly different from what happens elsewhere.

In any event.....
I don't trust courts or juries....if you do ...then that is fine for you..
It don't make you right or me wrong...we just think differently.
You could have the most clean cut case, but if your situation intersects at all with any current social justice issue there will always be something different a progressive prosecutor will claim you could/should have done.
Again this is why if anyone has to shoot, DO NOT start trying to tell your side when Police show up. An amazing number of people just can not shut up at this point. When they read your rights that is the end of talking without a lawyers. Yes some of the scum in the court system may try to go at you. Don't help them by talking without a lawyer. You gain zero by talking at that point.
I don't care how liberal Mike Schmidt was in the Multnomah County district attorneys office. DAs are DAs. They want to put bad guys in jail.
Isnt he the guy that publicly announced Portland was not going to prosecute certain offenders during the "mostly peaceful " protests ?

Crime has risen greatly in Portland, they do not want to put bad guys in jail. And virtually all of it is because of politics not justice.
Isnt he the guy that publicly announced Portland was not going to prosecute certain offenders during the "mostly peaceful " protests ?

Crime has risen greatly in Portland, they do not want to put bad guys in jail. And virtually all of it is because of politics not justice.
Yes. OR state patrol refused to help in Portland riots right after he said that publicly.

He has a long track record of not prosecuting even violent offenders from one political side. And he goes after those from the other political side HARD! Many, many examples of this in Portland during the riots. Also don't forget he is close friends and college buddies with Antifa leadership.

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