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Ok, I'll start this off correctly. Pictures people. The guy is asking for pictures.
This guy hangs over the bed on the wall. 40 rounds of .223 62grn hollow points on tap. WML for obvious reasons. Suppressor is quiet enough to keep hearing, but only just barely. All the rest is mostly for target shooting and run-and-gun. I don't expect I would need a magnifier or BUIS in a real defensive situation.
Followed by asking for your address and work schedule...

J/K... hopefully...
Well if the plan is to come over while I am at work that is a bad plan seeing as how I work from home. Also I have enough cameras that if I know someone is coming over for a "visit" the magnifier could actually come into play. . .
Harsh language maybe... :s0092:. Although that might be too far... wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

Hugs are often overlooked, but greatly appreciated...
Well if the plan is to come over while I am at work that is a bad plan seeing as how I work from home. Also I have enough cameras that if I know someone is coming over for a "visit" the magnifier could actually come into play. . .
Good good... keep going.

Knowledge is power...
Two separate alarm systems, 360-degree outside camera coverage, all outside windows and doors alarmed, audible alarm that will wake the dead in the next county and a strobe on front of garage that can be seen by passing airliners at 35,000 feet.

And three of these:
Anything else is just secondary. You need to know something's coming in order to respond.
Take care of the problem on the perimeter before they get to the curtilage (early detection such as cameras that notify your phone is needed). Not many crooks are going to continue if they know they are on camera and light is shining on them already (and probably voice interaction) as soon as they are skulking onto the property. You have more time and way way more options to deal with the threat on the perimeter.

If they make it to the curtilage, take care of the problem there before they get to the ingress location. You now have less time and probably fewer options here vs the perimeter. Make those possible entry points hard to break into to gain response time if possible (Fe door or window).

If they get in the house, set up an ambush with family in the most protected location. Ideally family has a gun also and you have a code word or whatever so you don't get shot.
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