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Better late than never?
I might do the same under the wrong circumstances.
I'd rather take 1 or 2 with me than go alone.
Might work in the movies but if someone has the drop on you you'd best wait until they're distracted or beat feet to cover.
Contrast that with a scenario where the robbers were also intent on execution style murders, or similar. Then that flips the script. Plenty of videos online where a lawful gun carrier intervened and saved lives.

How does one know what the robbers intent is... from vids I have seen, it usually just happens, one minute BG is pointing firearm at counter help, the next minute shooting. The exception is when counter help struggles with BG... I'm not sure I'd get in the middle of that, might have a shoot of an innocent.

The video is more informative than the article. It appears from the video rather than there being an incident and the CCP holder running to the incident, he was in the middle of it. The problem though is that he tried to draw when they already had their guns out.
Might work in the movies but if someone has the drop on you you'd best wait until they're distracted or beat feet to cover.

"Never draw against a drawn gun!" Stealth draw if one gets the chance. Runfu if one gets the chance. Submission often works too.
In situations like the OP...
It is best to do whatever is needed so you can survive and go home.
What that is ....will be different for each situation.

Whatever you do :
Remember that the bad guy , and the other folks involved will not play by your script...
And what is needed , so you can go home , alive.
Good reminder that the good guys don't always win. Just because you're the main character in your own life story doesn't mean you have plot armor.
unless I am already in that situation, I wouldn't put myself into that position.

regardless, RIP.
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