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Obligatory I am not a Constitutional lawyer, but I think he is doing this because if things like this are not in place they can not be challenged in court and with no ruling against them they can be reinstated again by another administration
Obligatory I am not a Constitutional lawyer, but I think he is doing this because if things like this are not in place they can not be challenged in court and with no ruling against them they can be reinstated again by another administration
That's a very cynical perspective. AND SPOT ON.
That's a very cynical perspective.
Yeah, I was looking for a style more challenging than simple two point perspective and 4 point was giving me things that were just . . . odd :)

The BATF &E is a antiquated part of our American government that needs to be eliminated. It serves no useful purpose in so far as preventing anything illegal. All they do is hassle law abiding citizens who
Do there very best to comply with rules and regulations. No wonder the gunsmith and others associated with the firearm industry throw up there arms and walk away. All the rules and gun laws won't fix the stupid power hungry ego trip agents who work for BATF & E. Perhaps our 2nd amendment loving current president will do something about it
Before his tenure is up.
The BATF &E is a antiquated part of our American government that needs to be eliminated. It serves no useful purpose in so far as preventing anything illegal. All they do is hassle law abiding citizens who
Do there very best to comply with rules and regulations. No wonder the gunsmith and others associated with the firearm industry throw up there arms and walk away. All the rules and gun laws won't fix the stupid power hungry ego trip agents who work for BATF & E. Perhaps our 2nd amendment loving current president will do something about it
Before his tenure is up.
If we can repeal NFA/GCA/Hughes Amendment of FOPA; then maybe there won't be a reason for ATF to exist. Cutrently I believe what we call the ATF is just the firearms law enforcement agency, with the tax part going back to IRS as Alcohol, Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau?


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