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They just keep regurgitating the same stupid horribly written bill and add more ridiculous things to it each time.
Makes me sick to think that some people may actually think this will prevent crime or solve any problems.
Doesn't look like its been introduced ..... no record of this on official channels, may be hoax....

Appears to be real, though I don't see it having a chance in the current Congress.

House Democrats introduce bill prohibiting sale of semi-automatic weapons

It's a feel good bill meant to get republicans on record as being against such bans.

While it won't go anywhere now, expect to see it or something like it the next time we have a D president and Congress. The Dems are no longer pretending they don't want to take our guns - this bill is evidence of that. We all knew the "no one wants to take your guns" line was a lie. This bill would effectively ban at least 75% of the guns out there.
For those who don't wish to read the entire monster this is, The short and sweet of it, No more Semi auto Pistols, No more Semi auto rifles ( with a few "sporting" exempted) No semi auto shot guns with capacity over 5 rounds, and certain C&R arms exempt!
A few extras to concern us all, Arms like the M1 Grand and the 1903 Springfield, While technically called out as exempt, also get banned because they do have more then 1 feature each on the verboten list!
Lever actions, specifically Military arms are banned, all others must be unaltered with higher capacity feed tubes!
Bolt actions with fixed magazines with over 5 rounds capacity and/or external feed mechanism ( Stripper clips of more then 5 rounds) Banned, or detachable box magazines of any capacity, Banned! Have a look at the ammo listed, makes you really wanna gouge out your eyeballs!

So these are the highlights! Stay frosty my friends!
Just glancing at this insanity is incredible....

These people are past the level of insane...!!!

My response is they can KMA...
Well I feel safer already....:rolleyes:

Why don't law makers look at our existing laws and regulations to see what works and what doesn't...?
Keep what is needed and get rid of what doesn't work?....
And while they are at it...hire some folks or make sure that the current hires do their damn jobs and enforce the laws and regulations we already have....
Wanna know the real kick in the teeth, our com(Communist)mander in chief, a one Mr Donald Trump fully supports this and has vowed the fight the NRA tooth and nail to see this through!

Yea, it is that bad! Hope y'all allready have every thing you need cause it' all going away right quick and in a hurry like!
GOD HELP US:eek::eek:
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Not a snowflakes chance in hell this is going to go anywhere..... I hope..... Trump and the rest of the so called republicans might as well just give the next election to the democrats if they let that crap pass. To extreme to fast imo. Still think the death by 1000 cuts is much much more realistic.
It'll fail. Its all smoke and mirrors to chip away at something more attainable.
This is the typical over the top, too extreme to pass bill.. then (god forbid) (but very likely) we'll have another shooting.. just before the midterms.

From there they'll use it as a "I told you so" or "We tried to achieve common sense gun control" type of political leverage.. like they always do.

My thought is, this is merely framework before the elections to get what they want (bump stocks, strange NFA workarounds, magazine bans.. as usual)
Perhaps not nationally.. but it'll send a wake through the states and perhaps achieve gun control on the small scale, which again is what they want.

That way after midterms they have two very likely outcomes.. states or congress passing anti gun laws.. and the other: perhaps snagging hopeful seats in DC.

This is straight out if their cliche playbook. Too extreme to pass.. but read between the lines as to what they are really after. :s0156:
Even the Dems that wrote it know it won't pass. How many times have they tried this before? It's nothing new, and it always dies before it's even voted on because it's unconstitutional and the (R)'s control the house and Senate. The sky is not falling, it's just one more bill that isn't worth the paper it's printed on.

It's a "feel good" fairytale POS, nothing more.

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