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Are you a Dog or Cat person

  • Dog

    Votes: 64 48.1%
  • Cat

    Votes: 20 15.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 43 32.3%
  • Neither

    Votes: 6 4.5%

  • Total voters
I'm a devout cat person. Don't mind dogs (as long as they don't bark...), I may even get one someday.....but my number one love is for cats. Been that way since birth. My whole family are cat people.

I put my cat to sleep on New Years Eve 2019/20 when she became very sick, but I got a good seven and a half years out of her. She was 10 years old when I adopted her, and it was the best decision I ever made. She was the perfect pet.

I keep her ashes on my desk, along with a paw print in plaster. I miss her terribly, and putting her to sleep was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.

I'll get another cat when I move to Idaho, but it will be pretty hard to find a cat that can top her. She was nothing but love.

WIN_20140331_125456.JPG Lucy.jpg
Or... not. Our newest cat sits for hours on end watching the bird feeder that is stuck to the dining room window. When a bird lands, he lunges - "THUNK" his head goes against the glass. Maybe he's got brain damage by now, so he has an excuse. Usually, the bird will at least fly off, but there are some smaller ones that just sit in the seed bin and ignore/torment him. Our older cat is far too fat and lazy to get caught up in all of this. Maybe once a day she will leap up onto the windowsill, but despite her vast bulk there is no loud "THUNK".

They are both in the Christmas spirit though.

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My Dad hat a cat like that one time. Bird feeder on the fence. He would lay there in wait watching the feeder. Of course when he was laying there in plain sight, birds would not land at feeder. My Dad used to laugh at how he could not figure out those birds looking down on him could see him there waiting. So they would wait till he left then all land :s0140:
I'll get another cat when I move to Idaho, but it will be pretty hard to find a cat that can top her.
They are all so different but tend to grow on you. That fat cat of ours is sooooooo different from the one that died about three years ago. When My wife brought her home, my reaction was kinda WTF. She is unfriendly, whines if you pick her up, and cannot be bribed with treats. But, when it's her idea, she is content to spend hours on my lap or crawl under the covers at night. IT HAS TO BE HER IDEA. She has definitely grown on all of us.
I miss her terribly, and putting her to sleep was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.
I hear you man. Was decimated. Not a crier. Probably cried a dozen times in my life but driving back from the vet and while there I was a mess. Sunglasses due to embarrassment. Couldn't speak. Really made me reflect on who I am as a person. You gave your friend an amazing life and that should be celebrated. I had to wait over a year to get my feline friends cause I was scared about what I went through. Very few things scare me, not even my own death, and A CAT flipped me emotionally. Just still a head scratcher.

A friend sent me this at the time and it really did make me laugh.

Dogs for sure. It's a roll of the dice with cats, some are nice and others will claw your eyes out.
Unmarried. No real family to speak of, so a Christmas tree makes no sense. That is a kids and Santa thing HOWEVER I do believe that would be the greatest gift to my feline daughters. They would not disappoint.
Cat #2 here really wants to nap in her clear bin but cat #1 is bouncing around the house and just can't allow that to happen. She has the best expressions to show how she feels about it.
We do a special present for One-eyed Jack on Christmas mornings. After we get a fair pile of gift wrapping in the middle of the living room. I take a 6"x6" piece of tissue paper and sprinkle a little cat nip in the center. Put more cat nip in a cut-off corner of a sandwich bag in the middle, and twist the top and tie it good. Put that little catnip bomb under the pile wrapping paper. When the cat's not looking of course. The cat nip ends up spread around in a 2' area of the carpet with the cat damn near is seizures! And 20 minutes or so later he ends up like.....


Between the Nip and the wood stove, he's a happy cat.

When I was 18 in 1985 I was at Thanksgiving dinner and told everyone I was thinking about getting a dog or a cat. I had just moved out on my own and had dogs when I was young.
Later in the day my uncle, who is a sober man who owned a gigantic ranch (think Yellowstone) said to me; "Why own something that is only loyal to you because you feed it? The love isn't real and while affection may play a part, it's only because of familiarity."
I took that to heart and never owned an animal, because why would anyone own an animal?

Over the years I've realized that owning an animal is a far more negative experience than it is a positive one. The early accidents, the ruined items, the health scares and ultimately, a too-early death. Not to mention the huge amounts of money and time it takes to maintain such a creature.

To add to my uncle's comment I realized that the reason most people get a pet is because they've not nurtured themselves in a manner to create balance. For the same reason people are addicted to whatever medium (tv, games, alcohol, drugs, work, exercise) they may be involved with, so to the animal that comes along for the ride. It inhabits a part of the person they don't know how to develop.
I notice that the people who own pets are childlike in one or more aspects...and not in the good way.

I'm an "old" child and I will never change. Curiosity is the most enchanting intellectual endeavor one may exhibit...I walk around in a constant state of total amazement, and I love it.

I've noticed over these last few decades that they utilize pets in commercials, movies and tv shows as a form of manipulation. Heck, one of the dumbest movies ever produced (John Wick) was based on a dog being killed. Think about that for a moment. Our society is so debased that we actually agree with a grown man murdering dozens of people based on his car getting stolen and his dog being killed.
Grow up.
Here's where reality hits; The Russian dad apologizes, returns the car w/a new puppy inside and a bow on its collar. everyone is truly happy. I never saw the movie because I needn't watch revenge movies...they are for the weak...just like owning a pet.
Well, that's an interesting outlook. Pretty negative, too, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion(s).

To each their own.
Or... not. Our newest cat sits for hours on end watching the bird feeder that is stuck to the dining room window. When a bird lands, he lunges - "THUNK" his head goes against the glass. Maybe he's got brain damage by now, so he has an excuse. Usually, the bird will at least fly off, but there are some smaller ones that just sit in the seed bin and ignore/torment him. Our older cat is far too fat and lazy to get caught up in all of this. Maybe once a day she will leap up onto the windowsill, but despite her vast bulk there is no loud "THUNK".

They are both in the Christmas spirit though.

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Haha that's awesome! Our kitty just got fixed before Xmas but she's on the mend.

Haha that's awesome! Our kitty just got fixed before Xmas but she's on the mend.

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After the post four above yours, LOVE the picture! I think that's just funny as hell! Your little girl I suppose? Takes a lot longer to heal? We got Jack at three months, AFTER he'd had two abscesses, an eye removed and a serious respiratory infection taken care of and neutered.


When I was 18 in 1985 I was at Thanksgiving dinner and told everyone I was thinking about getting a dog or a cat. I had just moved out on my own and had dogs when I was young.
Later in the day my uncle, who is a sober man who owned a gigantic ranch (think Yellowstone) said to me; "Why own something that is only loyal to you because you feed it? The love isn't real and while affection may play a part, it's only because of familiarity."
I took that to heart and never owned an animal, because why would anyone own an animal?

Over the years I've realized that owning an animal is a far more negative experience than it is a positive one. The early accidents, the ruined items, the health scares and ultimately, a too-early death. Not to mention the huge amounts of money and time it takes to maintain such a creature.

To add to my uncle's comment I realized that the reason most people get a pet is because they've not nurtured themselves in a manner to create balance. For the same reason people are addicted to whatever medium (tv, games, alcohol, drugs, work, exercise) they may be involved with, so to the animal that comes along for the ride. It inhabits a part of the person they don't know how to develop.
I notice that the people who own pets are childlike in one or more aspects...and not in the good way.

I'm an "old" child and I will never change. Curiosity is the most enchanting intellectual endeavor one may exhibit...I walk around in a constant state of total amazement, and I love it.

I've noticed over these last few decades that they utilize pets in commercials, movies and tv shows as a form of manipulation. Heck, one of the dumbest movies ever produced (John Wick) was based on a dog being killed. Think about that for a moment. Our society is so debased that we actually agree with a grown man murdering dozens of people based on his car getting stolen and his dog being killed.
Grow up.
Here's where reality hits; The Russian dad apologizes, returns the car w/a new puppy inside and a bow on its collar. everyone is truly happy. I never saw the movie because I needn't watch revenge movies...they are for the weak...just like owning a pet.
You might be right. Everything you said is basically true? Doesn't sound as far out there as having near half the adult population of America voting for an imbecile for president. And you will never suffer from becoming close to an animal an then some years later have to pay someone to kill it. Or worse, do it yourself.

We had cats growing up. Outdoor/indoor/ semi-rural hood cats. They usually got hit by cars after several years. Or just disappeared. I have been able to take/or leave cats/dogs. Had a pure bread Dobie I got at 3 months old, for 13 years. A childhood dream from the "Daring Doberman" movies. Had to have her put down due to hips. That's why I can leave it. It's a horrible thing. I don't know how people do it. The previous cat was an extremely sick, 4 week old that I rescued from a feral cat situation. He only had one eye too. He was 10 when he started losing his lower body and he'd just fall over. We got this one-eyed wonder because we don't go on long trips anymore.

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