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I see a law suit, if they use this technology by definition there is no report, or condition level of a crime. They are basing it off on an alleged sound that has not even been confirmed. If someone is ever hurt while they are responding to a hunch, well I see some one getting sued .
They're all over the country. Supposedly one contributed to the quick response time in the Seth Rich case.
I can show you one in Salem on Lancaster St S.E.
They used them all over in bubblegum-stan, they had them deployed all around base, and they could deply it moble when ever needed! Fast forward a year after, the same system was fully deployed to protect high ranking personal when ever they were out in public! It's a good idea, it can find a shooter after a shot is fired, but not prevent a shot! The whole point is, the fear of getting caught will hopefully stop would be shooters! And in the rest of the world, it helps find tangos!
Silencers defeat it 99% of the time.
The new ones work on Bang -Wiz... not just Bang and they still fail against cans.
Giving false location 99% or more.

These guy's are retarded and full of Hype
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The shot spotter is one of this century's greatest marketing ploys since P.T. Barnum promoted General Tom Thumb.

Seattle talked of installing the system as early as 2014 from a Federal grant, but by 2017 the council put the project on indefinite hold. Uncertainty delays ShotSpotter pilot - Capitol Hill Times

Bottom line, it has been proven over and over again across this country the system DOES NOT impede, nor prevent crime in those violence prone areas - predominantly in SES ethnic areas where installed.

Personnaly surprised the NAACP has not stopped installations since they are, as mentioned, installed in ethnic depressed areas.
The sick bubblegummer in me listens to this, and thinks, "shot spotter is there not to prevent, but to clean up the mess before the media gets there."
Now, if KC, MO PoPo respond 100% of the time to Shot Spotter, that thar is an easy way to create multiple diversions across the city to get the boyz out of the way so you can get down and do some real work.....
The sick bubblegummer in me listens to this, and thinks, "shot spotter is there not to prevent, but to clean up the mess before the media gets there."
Now, if KC, MO PoPo respond 100% of the time to Shot Spotter, that thar is an easy way to create multiple diversions across the city to get the boyz out of the way so you can get down and do some real work.....

Light off a brick of firecrackers & Bob's yer Uncle!
The shot spotter is one of this century's greatest marketing ploys since P.T. Barnum promoted General Tom Thumb.

Seattle talked of installing the system as early as 2014 from a Federal grant, but by 2017 the council put the project on indefinite hold. Uncertainty delays ShotSpotter pilot - Capitol Hill Times

Bottom line, it has been proven over and over again across this country the system DOES NOT impede, nor prevent crime in those violence prone areas - predominantly in SES ethnic areas where installed.

Personnaly surprised the NAACP has not stopped installations since they are, as mentioned, installed in ethnic depressed areas.


They are all over the Alki beach area + they are tied into the camera system.

In case you hadn't heard: Surveillance-cameras meeting Tuesday night at Alki Bathhouse

So not just in the ghetto's..
Light off a brick of firecrackers & Bob's yer Uncle!
Some dude was setting off bombs infrequently for years on the SW bank of the old Sellwood bridge.. there used to be one a them contraptions right mid-span for a very long time. I'm sure there's one there now. they're all over
They are all over the Alki beach area + they are tied into the camera system.
In case you hadn't heard: Surveillance-cameras meeting Tuesday night at Alki Bathhouse
So not just in the ghetto's..

Who the FRU, a suggestion please look at the date of your cite, here let me help: MARCH 11, 2013 7:17 PM over five years olde.

However, 29 Jan 2018, quote:
Exactly five years ago today – thanks to reader questions about mysterious installations on utility poles – we broke the news of a city technology project that led to a citywide controversy: The Seattle Police Department procuring and installing surveillance cameras as part of a "wireless mesh" network, without advance notice to, or discussion with, the community.

The resulting uproar led to the cameras never being put into use, but they have remained in place on poles in West Seattle and elsewhere. UPDATE: Never-used Seattle Police surveillance cameras, wireless-mesh network being removed, starting today in West Seattle

Finally, shot spotter is not, repeat not, a visual camera centric system but only a audible sensor system, period.

Please do due diligence and check out the company's site News & Events - ShotSpotter thus assuring yourself and while there review the locations. Why on earth would the LE agencies and the community leaders need or want any 'me 2' type of shot initiative audio surveillance in rich folk areas ?
A long time ago when I drove Engine 6 out of old Station 6 and later Engine 2 out of old and still existing Station 2, both located in East Bakersfield, trying to sleep in your rack in the firehouse dormitory at night between emergency calls listening to all the various types of gunfire was a hoot.

Seems nothing has changed since then. Probably a forlorn hope having the Bakersfield Police Department bounce between needless calls just responding to alleged gunshots fired. Too many shots. Too few cops. It appears things have just gotten worse. A bad part of town then; worserer now.
Who the FRU, a suggestion please look at the date of your cite, here let me help: MARCH 11, 2013 7:17 PM over five years olde.

However, 29 Jan 2018, quote:
Exactly five years ago today – thanks to reader questions about mysterious installations on utility poles – we broke the news of a city technology project that led to a citywide controversy: The Seattle Police Department procuring and installing surveillance cameras as part of a "wireless mesh" network, without advance notice to, or discussion with, the community.

The resulting uproar led to the cameras never being put into use, but they have remained in place on poles in West Seattle and elsewhere. UPDATE: Never-used Seattle Police surveillance cameras, wireless-mesh network being removed, starting today in West Seattle

Finally, shot spotter is not, repeat not, a visual camera centric system but only a audible sensor system, period.

Please do due diligence and check out the company's site News & Events - ShotSpotter thus assuring yourself and while there review the locations. Why on earth would the LE agencies and the community leaders need or want any 'me 2' type of shot initiative audio surveillance in rich folk areas ?

I did not say shot spotter was a camera. I said the system's are tied in together.
The gunshot's detected activate the camera
You believe they spent all that money and never turned it on ??

Really... give anyone a toy and you think they aren't going to play with it.

Dang man, all I can say is dang.
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Who the FRU, I do hope you listened to the Boston youtube, dated 2012...which mentions the equipment was installed two years eariler, 2010, approximately eight years ago and I shall presume you discerned as the announcers stated shot spotter 'AND' cameras...

As well as a foto of the acoustic sensor is shown in the 2018 Chicago fox news blurp as well as that pesky 'AND' cameras. Oh, btw Who the FRU, you did hear the Fox newscaster unequivocally state...installed in Chicago's WORST neighbourhood?

As previously mentioned shot spotter is exclusively an auditory sensor component system - PERIOD! No cameras whatsoever associated with the shot spotter equipment.

Now if the community's good leaders wish visual, then of course they contract out to another contractor to supply and install cameras, oh lookie, possibly in conjunction with the same location as the shot spotter sensors!
Who the FRU, I do hope you listened to the Boston youtube, dated 2012...which mentions the equipment was installed two years eariler, 2010, approximately eight years ago and I shall presume you discerned as the announcers stated shot spotter 'AND' cameras...

As well as a foto of the acoustic sensor is shown in the 2018 Chicago fox news blurp as well as that pesky 'AND' cameras. Oh, btw Who the FRU, you did hear the Fox newscaster unequivocally state...installed in Chicago's WORST neighbourhood?

As previously mentioned shot spotter is exclusively an auditory sensor component system - PERIOD! No cameras whatsoever associated with the shot spotter equipment.

Now if the community's good leaders wish visual, then of course they contract out to another contractor to supply and install cameras, oh lookie, possibly in conjunction with the same location as the shot spotter sensors!


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