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Douglas Ridge has 1000 yard range. The matches are open to the public and they
use electronic targets. TCGC is the largest in the area. Pistol and rifle matches
are open to the public. They also have electronic targets on the 600 yard range.
Estacada Rod and Gun near DRRC does 100 yard matches. What type of shooting
are you interested in?
Douglas Ridge has 1000 yard range. The matches are open to the public and they
use electronic targets. TCGC is the largest in the area. Pistol and rifle matches
are open to the public. They also have electronic targets on the 600 yard range.
Estacada Rod and Gun near DRRC does 100 yard matches. What type of shooting
are you interested in?
Sweet thank you I signed up for that one
I used to like English pit in camas, but I believe it's gone. Safe fire is great, mostly I end up at The Place to Shoot in delta park, but they are pistols only, no ARs or AK pistols.
I used to like English pit in camas, but I believe it's gone. Safe fire is great, mostly I end up at The Place to Shoot in delta park, but they are pistols only, no ARs or AK pistols.
English pit is still there and functioning

There's other areas that are free as well such as Jones Creek above camas. Just need a discovery pass. First come first serve. I know a lot of people go up to larch mt. as well. I haven't been to safe fire but a lot of people have told me it's great. There's a place for shotgun shooting off fruit valley road by the Vancouver lake.
English Pit is still in operation.

SafeFire allows non-magnum rifles and has 4 full-auto rentals in addition to 100 other rental. Vets get a free hour on Vets Day as well.

Farther north is Cowlitz County range, they go out to 300 yards.
English pit is still there and functioning

There's other areas that are free as well such as Jones Creek above camas. Just need a discovery pass. First come first serve. I know a lot of people go up to larch mt. as well. I haven't been to safe fire but a lot of people have told me it's great. There's a place for shotgun shooting off fruit valley road by the Vancouver lake.
I'm on the Oregon side, so I don't make it there too often. More frequently I end up on the Oregon larch mtn near my moms place.
Welcome Aboard. Glad you found the forum.

This is the best place to hang out on the internet.

Check out the organized clean ups in Oregon and Washington. It's the best way to meet the community and learn where and how to use public lands responsibly.

If you really want to get involved in community action check out Trash No Land.

On the Washington side, I do head up from Portland to both English Pit and Safe Fire, and use A place to Shoot on the Oregon side. English Pit still operating and provides a low cost way to shoot long gun, pistol and shotgun. SafeFire is certainly a high quality indoor range. A place to shoot is also good as an Indoor Range on the Oregon side. I was on the Tri County list for almost two years when my name came up, pretty expensive, ended up passing..
I'll echo everyone else's response. Safefire in Camas is a great range. $25/hr + $10 per additional person (I believe). The staff is great and respectful, and the range is really nice and clean.

Also note that, as of this year (2025), I don't believe you can bring your own targets.

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