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So I purchased this book a few month's ago, and I am pretty sold on his product- knowledge, especially the five elements of a self-defense claim, which are innocence, imminence, proportionality, reasonableness (objective and subjective), and avoidance.

I signed up and took his online Level 1 LOSD class a few weeks ago. Class time was about seven hours, with five minute breaks each hour. It was streamed through the Zoom service, and one can ask questions or make comments during the class (via a text system, not speaking). It was really great to hear Mr. Branca go over the material in the book, give pertinent examples, and generally drill down a bit more than just what is in the book.

IMHO, it was totally worth the price, $99 for the online class. The book is usually $35; it's on sale now for $25. There is also a soft-cover version which is less expensive.

Disclaimer- not a shill, just a customer.

Law of Self Defense
+1. Great book albeit a pretty dry topic. But given that it's probably better absorbed in smaller doses anyway, it's not hard to get through.

The "E" version is $10 on Amazon btw. :)
He also sells state specific books or dvds as well. Great info if u carry a gun. Also the conceal carry podcast gives him a few minutes to do a case of the week. Very interesting. As Branca says u carry a gun so ur hard to kill know the law so ur hard to convict

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