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A short sideline to the impulse buys thread, was about Ammo Inc ammo. I thought I'd start this thread instead of tacking on to that one. Feel free to add your experiences of Ammo Inc ammo and please give an idea of when you purchased the ammo you are commenting on. As stated below, I have been pleased with the revolver ammo I have purchased and am looking to see if the company produces good ammo, or if their consistency is spotty.

Here's some quotes from that thread.

Good choice leaving the ammo Inc behind. Most insistently unreliable ammo brand I've used. You either get a box that shoots great or a box that's got 10% problem cartridges.

My experience with Ammo Inc 357 has been very positive. I tried to buy more, but they didn't have any.

See what he means? Mixed reviews. You like em, I hate em.

Were you shooting 357? If so, what didn't you like?

No, it's auto cartridges for me. In 9, 45 and 10, maybe a little 40. I never tried their revolver cartridges. I've had inconsistent ignition, extraction and feeding problems. Some of the fired cases I actually had to disassemble the gun and use a dowel to remove from the barrel in 9mm. I've also had a few boxes from their "stelth" line I tried that ran great but I didn't realize they were ammo Inc until after I bought em or I wouldn't have. In my opinion, it's like getting the shady gun show reloads experience without the gun show.
I'd only shot their ammo in 38 Special and 357 Magnum and had been pleased.

Friday, for my new Shield EZ I purchased two boxes of Ammo Inc 380. One box of 50 in FMJ and one box of 20 in JHP. I started out by shooting a few mags of the FMJ and everything was fine. Then I shot some of the JHP. It went boom alright, but didn't cycle the action enough to toss the empty and grab a new cartridge from the mag (clip :s0112:). I could see the slide cycling and the gun would go click, but it hadn't completed it's cycle. I shot all of that box, hand cycling every round. Some of the cases didn't go back into the chamber, instead they hung up on the chamber face. After that I finished up the box of FMJ, with a couple of cases doing the same thing in the last two mags. All of the ammo seemed very consistent, with all rounds seeming the same as the others. No Hot ones, or Slow ones. (I was not chronoing, just in hand observations) Accuracy was decent.

When I returned home I broke the pistol down, ran a brush and patches thru the bore, oiled the rails and put it back together. It seems to be much smoother and easier to run the slide now. In all fairness, I had done nothing before shooting besides looking down the bore to make sure it wasn't obstructed.

I'm looking forward to shooting more of this ammo thru this gun to see if the situation improves. My hunch? It was the gun, not the ammo.
Ran some through my 9mmAR and what should have been subs, velocities were all over the board. Wasn't impressed. Velocities being across the board led to some large groups at 20 yards, displaying a 4" pattern at that distance.
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I have a box for my 10mm 1911, but have yet to fire any of them.
They were the only ones BiMart had at the time and they were on sale, so I bought a box.

I have a buddy that says they run like champs and there are loads of reviews here that state otherwise.
When I get out to fire them, I will come back and state how it went.
I bought a couple of boxes of the JHP and one box of the FMJ hoping to shoot last weekend, but the weather was so crappy the two times I had a chance that I didn't. Will ty again Sunday am.
Check out the thread that I just posted on their 9mm 124 gr JHP. You may want to Email the factory. In the case of the ammo that I bought, there were three different bullets that they used. One was sub par and their loading recipe until a year ago was sub par.

The 6 boxes that I bought were all from the same lot. And were manufactured this year. They won't tell you
The powder and how much. But they did tell me that my lot was loaded with Hornaday XTP bullets. The test data on my lot was that these rounds bullets penetrated into gel with good expansion after going through 5 layers of ten ounce denim.

If these rounds do well, at less than 10 bucks a box, it would be cost effective ammo that I could train with and carry as well. I'm just going to have to wait and see I guess and see how it looks on paper and what results I actually get with gel and a clothing barrier when I'm able to start testing myself in the spring.
I've had no issues with Ammo Inc. ammo, I've shot 380, 9mm, 38spl, 357mag, 40s&w, 10mm, 45acp(fmj & jhp all), 308 and 7.62x51.
As for their reliability and accuracy, I've been able to shoot a rope in half at 25yds with every one of them.

As for talks about them using mixed bullets, that's not uncommon in the industry. (especially during the ammo shortage, all of them did it) Most makers who don't make their own bullets get them from wherever they can get them from.
Yeah, see my other thread about their 9mm. 25 percent of the rounds that I had were either way too short or too long. I guess if I had to pick just one premium brand it would be Hornaday.
I went to Bi-Mart the other day to buy more 380 ammo. I bought a box of Hornady Handgunner and some Winchester white box. The guy behind the counter grabbed a box of the Ammo Inc HP rounds, opened them up and said, "Compare these to those (Hornady). They are the same." I told him, "They might look the same, and may even use the same bullet, but I had some issues with the Ammo Inc working the action correctly". I know he didn't believe me, but that's ok.
I took the EZ back out and ran the Ammo Inc HP stuff through it. Much better than last time, but still had several stovepipes. It ate the Hornady right up. Yeah, there IS a difference. the weather was really crappy and I didn't stay long enough to try the Winchester.

So, my opinion? Ammo Inc Hardballl is fine for practice and plinking, but if I start carrying the EZ, it won't be with Ammo Inc JHP.

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