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Not from the Babylon Bee. I want to buy this kid a Pepsi now.
Best headline, that wasn't a spoof, I seen in a while.
Too bad .. If that happened here in Oregon , the parents would be going to jail since they didn't keep their guns locked up due to our "safe storage" law bull crap.

Not from the Babylon Bee. I want to buy this kid a Pepsi now.
Best headline, that wasn't a spoof, I seen in a while.
Too bad .. If that happened here in Oregon , the parents would be going to jail since they didn't keep their guns locked up due to our "safe storage" law bull crap.

From May 1st 2016.......................
I missed that the story was 9 years old. But goes to show ya why we should have standard capacity mags and none of this limited stuff. We don't have to live everyday like a IDPA carry optics division.
But goes to show ya why we should have standard capacity mags
Well, JUST for clarification sake (and maybe ''Devils Advocate') what is a 'standard capacity' mag?

I mean a 'Standard Capacity' for a 1911 is 7 or 8 rounds, 10 or so for some .22 pistols, 13 for an original Hi Power and what, 15 - 21 for newer guns?

My point being lets not 'categorize' magazines and keep them on the 'status quo' depending on the firearm they are intended for and not turn 'capacity' into a 'questionable' issue the antis/libs/dems can argue.
Well, JUST for clarification sake (and maybe ''Devils Advocate') what is a 'standard capacity' mag?

I mean a 'Standard Capacity' for a 1911 is 7 or 8 rounds, 10 or so for some .22 pistols, 13 for an original Hi Power and what, 15 - 21 for newer guns?

My point being lets not 'categorize' magazines and keep them on the 'status quo' depending on the firearm they are intended for and not turn 'capacity' into a 'questionable' issue the antis/libs/dems can argue.
Kinda started with the military arms... Standard is 15+1 for M9 Beretta, 20-30 for M16 rifles (VN era 20rd, post VN, 30rd to current 30rd). The anti2A politicians like to call any capacity over 10rds to be "high capacity". It's semantics, but no AR-15 models ship with a 10rd magazine outside any of the States that bans 10+ Rd magazines
Not from the Babylon Bee. I want to buy this kid a Pepsi now.
Best headline, that wasn't a spoof, I seen in a while.
Too bad .. If that happened here in Oregon , the parents would be going to jail since they didn't keep their guns locked up due to our "safe storage" law bull crap.

The article whines at the end "Why did an 11-year-old boy have access to a fully loaded handgun? That question obviously never comes up." even though they relate above the thief was telling the boy he was going to kill him. Guess slate would have been happier that the kid was dead so long as he didn't have access.

I grew up in a household where firearms were not secured but we also knew to leave them alone. Never had an issue, but if either mom or dad had doubts it would have been different.
Well, JUST for clarification sake (and maybe ''Devils Advocate') what is a 'standard capacity' mag?

I mean a 'Standard Capacity' for a 1911 is 7 or 8 rounds, 10 or so for some .22 pistols, 13 for an original Hi Power and what, 15 - 21 for newer guns?

My point being lets not 'categorize' magazines and keep them on the 'status quo' depending on the firearm they are intended for and not turn 'capacity' into a 'questionable' issue the antis/libs/dems can argue.
I hear you.
I see it another way though. A Shield plus standard capacity mag is 13. or 15 even.
A Glock 19 is 15rds or 17rds
A Glock 17 is 17 rds. or 23rds
An AR is 30 or 40 or 50 or 75 round drum even. It's a standard magazine, even the "stendo's" on a Glock, standard for a PCC, you just may use it on your Glock hand gun.
Whatever mag the tool comes with is a standard capacity. I say it as a dig at the anti gunners "high capacity" dribble.
There's no such thing really. They're all standard capacity. It's all words and messaging with the tyrants.
Just like when they say " but... muh democracy" They're really saying, "but... muh communism."
It's all about misusing verbiage to shape a narrative.
I will keep saying standard capacity magazines, because they are all just that. standard capacity. It doesn't make the gun shoot faster or more dangerous so it's standard capacity.
Speaking only for myself here....

A magazine is a either works for the firearm...or it doesn't.
Ain't no such thing as a standard magazine , or a high capacity magazine , for that matter.

Shooting at someone is vastly different than when shooting under the controlled conditions at a shooting range.

As for the burglar getting shot...if he chose not to try and commit a crime that day...chances are he wouldn't have been shot.

And as far as wondering why did an 11 year old have access to a firearm....
Well....what you do in your house is one thing...and it should work for you.
What someone else does in their house will probably be different and work for them.
Who are you to tell someone what to do inside of their house...?

Again any of the above is just my experiences or ideas.....I don't make the rules or it really don't make a difference at the end of the day.
Not from the Babylon Bee. I want to buy this kid a Pepsi now.
Best headline, that wasn't a spoof, I seen in a while.
Too bad .. If that happened here in Oregon , the parents would be going to jail since they didn't keep their guns locked up due to our "safe storage" law bull crap.

"I want to buy this kid a Pepsi now."

I want to buy this kid some eyeglasses. 1 hit out of 12, yikes.
"I want to buy this kid a Pepsi now."

I want to buy this kid some eyeglasses. 1 hit out of 12, yikes.
I figured the first 11 were warning shots...
it was just target drills since he was using fmj...
he forget to focus on the front sight..
he was using different ammo than it was sighted in with...
At least those are the excuses I've heard before
I figured the first 11 were warning shots...
it was just target drills since he was using fmj...
he forget to focus on the front sight..
he was using different ammo than it was sighted in with...
At least those are the excuses I've heard before
Or he was only 11 and didnt want to actually kill someone. Not all 11yr olds are crack shots with a pistol especially with adrenaline flowing at max let alone wanting/willing to shoot a person.

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