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A Glock 20 is a great piece... but I want the most velocity I can squeeze out of the 10mm cartridge:

A Glock 40 is a good option too but its a big gun to carry.
It's not that big, a G40 10mm is one of my concealed carry choices with a Holosun green dot.

Makes for a nice concealed carry platform.

For my carry platforms in 9mm and 10mm, I keep a mag of TUI handy for deep penetration of 4 legged critters...
I have only encountered a bear once. And it had cubs. Luckily I was able to get to my vehicle and GTFO of there. I used to ride mountain bike trails around Dorena lake, Brice Creek and have encountered bear scat and tracks and cougar tracks. I carried a 4 inch Model 29, 44 mag with 300 gr hard cast magnums. Those will do a number on a bears skull.

Other than that, whatever gun you use, be sure to file the sights off. It'll hurt less when the bears shoves the gun up your A$$!
45 super?

Not needed for PNW black bears, but if you expect to possibly encounter a brown bear, then
Yes, IF your gun supports it (I would not use it in an alloy frame gun, not regularly anyway - something like a Glock 21 is better in that respect) - using 255gr hardcast FP ammo from Double Tap or Underwood or Buffalo Bore.
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Black bear? Around here they're pretty small and have lungs so 9mm with not fmj.
Yeah these days black bears. Never too worried but more just in case. hence the .45

When I worked in Alaska I carried a semi auto 12 gauge w/ slugs or 45-70 which seems like over kill for black bears. But that was while guiding. Seemed a bit impractical while elk/deer hunting in OR.
Probably won't get 10 to 15 opportunities, might only be 1 or 2 before you're turned into a pic-a-nic basket. With that in mind I traded my 10mm G20 in for a Super Redhawk Alaskan .44 mag.
They're fast as hell when they wanna be. And everyone is hard till its rushing 44mph at you ready too rumble.
This has been really informative. Thanks ya'll. I'll likely keep the 1911 upgrade the ammo for the time being. Maybe look at a glock 20. But more so practice shot placement so I don't (mentally -and physically crap my pants) if push comes to real charge. I've been bluff charged by grizzly and black bear before and made it out just fine - but those were with groups and not in a hunting setting. I didn't start carrying a gun till fish guiding and that felt unnecessary since they're generally fat and fed.
10mm is a popular mace caliber in Alaska with 200 or 220 hard cast as long as you can shoot it decently. If not, go to 12 ga with slugs or a 45-70 lever gun.
When out riding my harley throughout PNW on some lonely back roads, I carried a G-40 loaded with Buffalo Bore hardcast hunting loads.

I practiced (a lot) with my handloads that were similar in recoil and both hit to point of aim. Practiced until the draw was smooth and shooting was accurate and as fast as I am likely to ever get.

Not perfect, but the best that I could do.
Seems all the time I hear how 45acp is big and slow, it won't over penetrate and is great for self defense... most 2 legged threats are not going to be thick with distance to travel for vitals...

So unless you got some really special ammo to get depth, 45acp is not what I would use.

10mm picks up the pace. Smaller faster and packs a punch, lot more ammo options to choose if you want penatration imo.

10mm is often what I carry for back woods mainly and I keep a mag of ammo for deeper penatration, also keep a mag of the same type of ammo for my 9mm which is TUI ammo....
This is my standard hiking carry in a Ruger GP100 4" 357 Magnum. Haven't had a chance to try it for defense; hope I don't have to. Certainly seems better than nothing.

180 gr. JHP (1,500fps/M.E. 899 ft. lbs.)

This is my standard hiking carry in a Ruger GP100 4" 357 Magnum. Haven't had a chance to try it for defense; hope I don't have to. Certainly seems better than nothing.

180 gr. JHP (1,500fps/M.E. 899 ft. lbs.)

Have you chronographed that load in your revolver? I would be shocked if it could make 1,300 fps out of a 4 inch barrel. To be honest, I would be surprised if it could achieve much over 1,300 fps out of a 6 inch barrel GP-100. Mine can do it, with a 158 gr bullet, but I wouldn't even try to hit 1,500 fps with a 180 gr projectiles unless you are shooting a 10" T/C Contender which will do it.
Not needed for PNW black bears, but if you expect to possibly encounter a brown bear, then
Yes, IF your gun supports it (I would not use it in an alloy frame gun, not regularly anyway - something like a Glock 21 is better in that respect) - using 255gr hardcast FP ammo from Double Tap or Underwood or Buffalo Bore.
Pnw black bears get big....just saying
I'm a big proponent of staying out of Bear's way, but I ran into a few this hunting season with no issues. But if there ever is one, I carry a 1911 with ball ammo. My hunting partner carries 44 magnum which I feel is a bit heavy for my taste. Does anyone have any recommendations about a 10 mm?
Black bear is Oregon or where are you hunting? If Oregon and you want to spend $ go with the 10 mm or 44 Mag; if not, stay with the 45 ACP and best bullet.
true story of a guy who fought a "measly" black bear with a glock. Not a grizzly bear, a black bear.

true story of a guy who fought a "measly" black bear with a glock. Not a grizzly bear, a black bear.

Sh!t can go sideways fast.....I've killed over 500 bears and I have some stories that will pucker your chocolate starfish!
Sh!t can go sideways fast.....I've killed over 500 bears and I have some stories that will pucker your chocolate starfish!
Ive only seen a handful of black bears here over the years, killed one with a rifle they are tough. Had 2 of them walk up on me hiking, they can get really big. I carry a 10mm for protection but Im under no illusion pistols are the best choice for black bear defense after seeing the size of some of them up close in the wild.

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