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I just inherited my great grandmas pistol that's chambered in .41 rimfire. Part of me wants to acquire a couple of rounds to function test it, the other part of me is fine just letting it sit in the safe. Any thoughts? From the limited research I've done, it looks like 41 is hard to find and is expensive and is probably 50 years old.

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I can't help you source any ammo, but I am sure glad you posted those pictures. My wife and I both spent a lot of time looking them over and then researching National Arms Company, etc. It's a good thing that drool on pictures won't make an antique firearm any rustier.

It isn't my family heirloom, so firing it or storing it would only be my second and third options. My first inclination would be to offer it up to collectors, some of whom may be getting together (socially distanced, of course) on July 11th at Battle Ground.
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I didn't know there was a show in battle ground. I might head to it (with my mask)! I gotta keep it unfortunately. It's survived in my family since the 1860s and don't want to be the one to sell it off. It seems to function just fine, but it's old and I don't want to ruin it or ruin myself. I appreciate the reply Gary!!!
Very neat derringer and family history. I know I've seen .41 ammo for the original Remington, two-shot derringers, but not sure of a reliable source off the top of my head, though I seem to recall Navy Arms make some back in the day.
I think I've seen the Remington stuff online third party. I will just keep my eye out for some locally. I'm in no rush to shoot it
If there is no need to shoot it then it's OK not to.

I have many in my collection I don't.
It has no affect on how they function or value. Except to preserve both.

I can appreciate them for their aesthetics and history just the same.

And before the ''I won't keep it if I don't shoot it'' crowd chimes in.
It's also OK to shoot it if you like.

Heck, you can cut it in half wit a hacksaw if you want to.
It's your gun.
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you could try these when they are back in stock

you could try these when they are back in stock
I saw this approach. Kinda of an interesting idea!!
I acquired 2 derringers in 41 rimfire years ago. I was lucky enough to find 15 rounds at a gun show about 15 years ago he had a box and wanted $50 and I though he was crazy probably worth 500 now. The remake ammo is a couple of hundred a box if you can find it. I have not had the guts to shoot either one of them.

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