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This isn't "anything against them" It's pointless political grandstanding. We need someone to put up an actual piece of legislation to abolish the ATF
It's not pointless. It's a start and a path for the next step. The antis don't even talk about compromise any more. Why? Because on the west coast they have zero need to. they got behind every BS, unfactual slogan and lie they could conjure up. Since the NRA isn't doing anything, it's better not to attack the one who is.
It would be quite interesting until you realize it doesn't do away with any of the laws the ATF was tasked with enforcing, which means they still need to be enforced and that enforcement will likely fall to the FBI.

Bear in mind that the ATF gets a lot of flak for Waco and Ruby Ridge, but the worst of those two events was done by the FBI. Just my 2C.
It would be quite interesting until you realize it doesn't do away with any of the laws the ATF was tasked with enforcing, which means they still need to be enforced and that enforcement will likely fall to the FBI.

Bear in mind that the ATF gets a lot of flak for Waco and Ruby Ridge, but the worst of those two events was done by the FBI. Just my 2C.
The ATF isn't going anywhere, but the Loper Bright decision is certainly going to curtail their power. And the Garland v. Cargill decision ties it in rather nicely.
The ATF isn't going anywhere, but the Loper Bright decision is certainly going to curtail their power. And the Garland v. Cargill decision ties it in rather nicely.
You would hope, but all it does is remove the presumption of agency authority in court cases, it does absolutely nothing to stop the agency from implementing or enforcing its own rules or interpretations. So really if you lack the financial resources to challenge the agency in court it changes nothing
That was Kristi Noem.
Evidently there was some incident a couple of years ago where Boebert was accused of shooting a neighbor's dog. Eventually it was determined that it was a different neighbor that shot the dog, possibly on Boebert's property.

You are correct about Noem shooting a dog (her own) then she wrote about it in her book - not the smartest thing she's ever done.
You are correct about Noem shooting a dog (her own) then she wrote about it in her book - not the smartest thing she's ever done.
As someone who was attacked by dogs at 6 or 7, I approve of her actions. There was a long haul truck driver in my neighborhood that had several dogs he would leave unattended. After a day or so they would break out of his yard and attack in packs. I got caught once and had several bites. The cops came and almost shot the dogs on the spot. I think they all got taken away.

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