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Ten rounds or less, those will not facilitate a mass shooting.
Ten rounds safe, eleven rounds danger.

It's science.
Yes and no.

Yes, you can legally sell the gun with your current magazine.

No you can not legally sell, give, transfer, etc those magazines to a WA resident.
Yes and no.

Yes, you can legally sell the gun with your current magazine.

No you can not legally sell, give, transfer, etc those magazines to a WA resident.
So I have to sell it out of state only? That's freaking inconvenient.
Gotta give it to them. Until the SCOTUS actually grows a pair, they get to really F with residents.
Wondering about what is allowed for selling used?

I want to sell my M&P22 Pistol which has 12 rnd standard capacity mags.

Does that breach the law/rules?
Does the pistol have the threaded barrel?
If so, no in state sales.

It's for your safety.
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Hmmm, I guess I'd have to see if the 10rd version of the mag is altered in the same way (from the factory)

IE: it's not just 10 rds in a 12 mag, but cannot actually accept more than 10.

Of course that's what lawyers are for I guess. The argument would be, as sold, you cannot get more than 10 rounds in it and to get more you'd have to alter the magazine to do so (which is illegal)

We need people to test the law and sue but we also need people willing and able to do so.

Democracy is great.
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I have sold a few pistols (of which I had duplicates) with standard capacities of twelve to eighteen round magazines without the mags, picking up one or two ten-round mags and throwing them in. Not a huge deal.
I have sold a few pistols (of which I had duplicates) with standard capacities of twelve to eighteen round magazines without the mags, picking up one or two ten-round mags and throwing them in. Not a huge deal.
Yeah I may do that. It just eats into the ol profit margin by quite a bit.
If you DID NOT:
  • Vote against the people and Party who did this
  • Support the lawsuits trying to fight it
  • Support the attempt at a repeal initiative
The people who did this to you thank you for bending over and grabbing your ankles for them.
Yeah I may do that. It just eats into the ol profit margin by quite a bit.
Then sell the banned standard capacity magazine out of state. Use Gunbroker or such, or meet the buyer out of state for the transaction.

It would be a grey area to sell to an out-of-state resident (proved, for example, by showing a govt. Issued ID) while still within the confines of Washington State borders.

If you were to do this, and I'm NOT suggesting you do, I would draft a bill-of-sale, get the buyer's signature and keep a photocopy of their ID.

What a messy hassel we face in this state!

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