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I had the most memorable season chasing trophy bucks east but just could not make it happen. Passed on lots of smaller bucks and seen big bucks just out of reach.

My daughter waited until the last day at 8am to harvest this blacktail on a general tag. With her help, Dad's guide, butcher and taxidermy service packed it out over a mile then had it cut, ground, wrapped and packed in the freezer by 6pm. We then made summer sausage, beef sticks and completed the euro mount by 8 pm the next day.

I had the most memorable season chasing trophy bucks east but just could not make it happen. Passed on lots of smaller bucks and seen big bucks just out of reach.

My daughter waited until the last day at 8am to harvest this blacktail on a general tag. With her help, Dad's guide, butcher and taxidermy service packed it out over a mile then had it cut, ground, wrapped and packed in the freezer by 6pm. We then made summer sausage, beef sticks and completed the euro mount by 8 pm the next day.

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That's a dam nice blacktail!
Missed two shots at 350 yards on a little spike two days before season end. Then I had an oldfart point his rifle at me checking his scope. I chewed his bubblegum out and was done for the day.
Heck, I don't even get tag soup this year as my tags have yet to be printed :s0140:. Working consumed my season this year as by the time it was half over, I hadn't even confirmed zero in my rifle. Threw in the towel on this one but good job everyone else!
Nice black tails this year! Seen a guy in my local hunting grounds with a 300 Savage just like that. I am not sure he took it as a compliment when I told him "cool old school cartridge".
As far as Andy is concerned, that's cutting edge technology
I drew a pretty good bow tag this year only to have the hunt area burn up. The ODFW was kind enough to refund my preference points, so I just bought a general rifle tag. I found a really nice set of sheds last year and tagged a buck this year. I'm pretty sure it's the same deer. He just must have regressed a little. :s0140: Since I didn't fill my elk tag this year, I went with the "Don't pass up today, what you would be happy to shoot on the last day." theory. Hey, venison in the freezer is a good thing.

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I drew a pretty good bow tag this year only to have the hunt area burn up. The ODFW was kind enough to refund my preference points, so I just bought a general rifle tag. I found a really nice set of sheds last year and tagged a buck this year. I'm pretty sure it's the same deer. He just must have regressed a little. :s0140: Since I didn't fill my elk tag this year, I went with the "Don't pass up today, what you would be happy to shoot on the last day." theory. Hey, venison in the freezer is a good thing.

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I didn't realize that you were a Smurf.

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