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I have 1000 Federal Match large rifle primers SOLD
And 1100 CCI BR2 large rifle primers
The CCI primers are exactly the same except for the color of the 100 packs (6 yellow & 5 blue)
Would like to sell all together as I no longer reload. I will cover that shipping
These have been kept in my...
I picked up a brick of match large rifle primers and I would like to trade for equal value Reloder 25 and or federal magnum match larg rifle primers. Located in Vancouver. Only looking to trade off 500 primers.
For sale is 3 full boxes of a 1000ct, 1 partial box of 887ct Wolf Large Rifle Primers NON Corrosive and three 100ct Squares of Winchester.
$100 per 1000
Willing to do a deal on the partials.
Unfortunately I may have already bought some but what powders will not work well with large rifle primers in place of large rifle magnum primers? I have 25-06, 270 Win and 300 Win Mag as the largest capacity cartridges I would be using the magnum powders in.
Campro Large Rifle Primers by Ginex
$95 for 1k
Price drop $90
No shipping, no trades
PM to setup a meeting.
Prefer Cabelas in Tualatin, but open to other locations within reason.
Thanks for looking š
9 bricks of 1,000 available. $125 each.
Buy 5 or more bricks $120 each.
$115 each if you take all 9 bricks.
Recent manufacture, USA made, stored indoors.
Foreign-made large rifle primers are now easily obtainable but the American-made ones are still hard to come by.
Sorry, can't ship. Hazmat is...
Use code eclipse_free_shipping to get the free shipping.
If you have used the Ginex large rifle primers, please share your experience here in comments.