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NRA-ILA | Washington: Anti-Gun Group Files Ballot Initiative After Failing in Legislature

I think this is the final nail in the coffin for me leaving the Pacific Northwest, altogether. I've just had it. With so much vigilance in both Washington and Oregon to push for gun confiscation and essentially criminalizing the ownership of semi-automatic firearms, I think it is only a matter of time before they get their wish of a Nazi era like gun ban. Or, if they cannot achieve that much, at least an Australian style gun ban. I guess the fascists in our government, which include the Governor Inslee and the Attorney General Ferguson who have made it clear of their anti-gun agenda are deeply disturbing. Ferguson wants it to be his life's mission to get guns out of the hands of Washingtonians and is confident he can do so. I am even reading on many liberal blogs how they say it would be easy to disarm people in Washington and Oregon because the government here has access to a lot of military resources. They think the military hates the 2nd Amendment as much as they do, basically. Remember, these are liberal fascist peons talking and many live in a dark, deranged, liberal fantasy.

Nonetheless, these measures are outrageous and should be illegal to even put on a ballot. Seriously, I think any politician who enforces such unconstitutional laws should receive an automatic 1 year or longer sentence in Federal Penitentiary for treason. Politicians are suppose to know our laws and trying to manipulate and usurp our Constitution is nothing short of treason and, once upon a time, led to conflicts, revolts ,etc.

Anyhow, I am too exhausted with life and barely surviving financially. Why pay all this money to live here and struggle to survive when I will have to essentially live as a criminal once these measures pass? Then, there is the worry that one day they may be knocking on my door and demand my illegally owned guns. Yes, illegal under whatever new insane law they pass. What stops them from passing a law stating that Jewish or Black people cannot use certain bathrooms. Or, maybe a law, stating that certain types of Judaism or Christianity will be prohibited from being followed since they are too Islamophobic, Homophobic or just seem too bigoted for what the government believes is acceptable? Oh, do people think this is a joke? Just ask my relatives who fled for their lives from Soviet Union what happened if they tried to practice their religion openly or speak a language other than Russian. Yes, they would be arrested and many times sent off to labor camps in Siberia.

I just know that my grandmother escaped communism and fascism. Her village was massacred in the Holocaust by German invaders. I see the same thing happening in Oregon and Washington and I know my votes are worth nothing less than a turd here anymore. I am just sick and tired of it.

I will miss the beauty and scenery of the Pacific Northwest as well as many other amenities. However, the fascists (who now call themselves Democrats, Leftists, Progressives, etc) have taken control and will not stop until every person who goes against their agenda submits to their will or is dead. That is my take. Yes, it may not be today. It could be 100 years or maybe even 5 years. Who knows after 2020, what could happen?

This is a sad day for Washington and a sad day for America. These unconstitutional legislation measures must not be allowed to ever go onto a ballot or be voted on. They should not be allowed to become law anymore than restricting rights of minorities or censoring certain types of religion should be allowed to be voted on or become a legislative measure and even worse, an abominable unconstitutional law.
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The thing is, is that this is starting to happen in all states, not just WA and Oregon. Leaving any state wont fix the problem. Soon as a person moves, so will the anti gun attacks to each state.
We all have to fight this liberal bs everywhere we can. In the voting booths, in the streets talking to others promoting gun ownership, and any place that is available to promote good gun ownership and the 2nd ammendment etc etc.

Rolling over and giving up is exactly what they want us to do. We just have to outlast these brain dead liberals who lack any common sense. They're just a bunch of hippy dippy Berkley college drop out dope heads trying to make sense of thier pathetic lives by sticking thier uneducated noses into our lives.:rolleyes:
NRA-ILA | Washington: Anti-Gun Group Files Ballot Initiative After Failing in Legislature

I think this is the final nail in the coffin for me leaving the Pacific Northwest, altogether. I've just had it. With so much vigilance in both Washington and Oregon to push for gun confiscation and essentially criminalizing the ownership of semi-automatic firearms, I think it is only a matter of time before they get their wish of a Nazi era like gun ban. Or, if they cannot achieve that much, at least an Australian style gun ban. I guess the fascists in our government, which include the Governor Inslee and the Attorney General Ferguson who have made it clear of their anti-gun agenda are deeply disturbing. Ferguson wants it to be his life's mission to get guns out of the hands of Washingtonians and is confident he can do so. I am even reading on many liberal blogs how they say it would be easy to disarm people in Washington and Oregon because the government here has access to a lot of military resources. They think the military hates the 2nd Amendment as much as they do, basically. Remember, these are liberal fascist peons talking and many live in a dark, deranged, liberal fantasy.

Nonetheless, these measures are outrageous and should be illegal to even put on a ballot. Seriously, I think any politician who enforces such unconstitutional laws should receive an automatic 1 year or longer sentence in Federal Penitentiary for treason. Politicians are suppose to know our laws and trying to manipulate and usurp our Constitution is nothing short of treason and, once upon a time, led to conflicts, revolts ,etc.

Anyhow, I am too exhausted with life and barely surviving financially. Why pay all this money to live here and struggle to survive when I will have to essentially live as a criminal once these measures pass? Then, there is the worry that one day they may be knocking on my door and demand my illegally owned guns. Yes, illegal under whatever new insane law they pass. What stops them from passing a law stating that Jewish or Black people cannot use certain bathrooms. Or, maybe a law, stating that certain types of Judaism or Christianity will be prohibited from being followed since they are too Islamophobic, Homophobic or just seem too bigoted for what the government beliefs is acceptable? Oh, do people think this is a joke? Just ask my relatives who fled for their lives from Soviet Union what happened if they tried to practice their religion openly or speak a language other than Russian. Yes, they would be arrested and many times sent off to lab

I just know that my grandmother escaped communism and fascism. Her village was massacred in the Holocaust by German invaders. I see the same thing happening in Oregon and Washington and I know my votes are worth nothing less than a turd here anymore. I am just sick and tired of it.

I will miss the beauty and scenery of the Pacific Northwest as well as many other amenities. However, the fascists (who now call themselves Democrats, Leftists, Progressives, etc) have taken control and will not stop until every person who goes against their agenda submits to their will or is dead. That is my take. Yes, it may not be today. It could be 100 years or maybe even 5 years. Who knows after 2020, what could happen?

This is a sad day for Washington and a sad day for America. These unconstitutional legislation measures must not be allowed to ever go onto a ballot or be voted on. They should not be allowed to become law anymore than restricting rights of minorities or censoring certain types of religion should be allowed to be voted on or become a legislative measure and even worse, an abominable unconstitutional law.

They won' send the gaurd to protect the southern border but they will use them on us citizens? Screw them. That is what I call cowardly trash.
They won' send the gaurd to protect the southern border but they will use them on us citizens? Screw them. That is what I call cowardly trash.

True story . I had a librail tell me a few days ago . quote ( There is no proof that gun control laws imposed by hitler played a part of why the Jewish people were rounded up imprisoned and killed )
Where the hell can someone come up with a thought like that .WTF
I'm selling all my stuff and leaving. people that stupid are more dangerous than living in the hood.
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@4Freedom I'm very sorry and I know how you feel. I was offered a job in Texas 6-7 years ago and I sometimes wonder what my life would be like now if I had taken it. My family is here in the Northwest and I don't want to leave if I can help it. But maybe as @gunsmithkinks said it's bad everywhere... One (1) more mass shooting in a school before the election and we are all going to be in a very tough spot, even Trump. People have a hard time going against the kids even if the kids don't know WTF they're talking about (very different from when I was a kid). Regardless, the left is not buying what we're selling, and they never have, but with the kids they can now get the votes. I haven't given up on the Northwest, but we're in for a real fight this Fall, so, start lobbying every fence sitter you know, everwhere you can: facebook, twitter, instagram, church, work, school, etc..

As shooters, outdoorsmen and hobbyists who are knowledgeable about firearms we have to be vigilant for looney tunes who are formulating "plans". We know our craft better than anyone else and we can identify the threats faster than anyone else. We gotta be in the Post 9/11 mindset. I don't want to give up any of my rights because some nut job had a bad day.
Meanwhile in states that have elected to do this, they have a 90% non-compliance rate.

In other words a 90% abide the Constitution rate.
Also in Olympia, didn't 2,000+ folks just go to a 2A Rally in Olympia last week-end?

Maybe I'm in the minority but that gives me hope, not lack of it.
From Washington's Constitution Article 1

SECTION 24 RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS.The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired, but nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing individuals or corporations to organize, maintain or employ an armed body of men.

Do not comply!
NRA-ILA | Washington: Anti-Gun Group Files Ballot Initiative After Failing in Legislature

I think this is the final nail in the coffin for me leaving the Pacific Northwest, altogether. I've just had it. With so much vigilance in both Washington and Oregon to push for gun confiscation and essentially criminalizing the ownership of semi-automatic firearms, I think it is only a matter of time before they get their wish of a Nazi era like gun ban. Or, if they cannot achieve that much, at least an Australian style gun ban. I guess the fascists in our government, which include the Governor Inslee and the Attorney General Ferguson who have made it clear of their anti-gun agenda are deeply disturbing. Ferguson wants it to be his life's mission to get guns out of the hands of Washingtonians and is confident he can do so. I am even reading on many liberal blogs how they say it would be easy to disarm people in Washington and Oregon because the government here has access to a lot of military resources. They think the military hates the 2nd Amendment as much as they do, basically. Remember, these are liberal fascist peons talking and many live in a dark, deranged, liberal fantasy.

Nonetheless, these measures are outrageous and should be illegal to even put on a ballot. Seriously, I think any politician who enforces such unconstitutional laws should receive an automatic 1 year or longer sentence in Federal Penitentiary for treason. Politicians are suppose to know our laws and trying to manipulate and usurp our Constitution is nothing short of treason and, once upon a time, led to conflicts, revolts ,etc.

Anyhow, I am too exhausted with life and barely surviving financially. Why pay all this money to live here and struggle to survive when I will have to essentially live as a criminal once these measures pass? Then, there is the worry that one day they may be knocking on my door and demand my illegally owned guns. Yes, illegal under whatever new insane law they pass. What stops them from passing a law stating that Jewish or Black people cannot use certain bathrooms. Or, maybe a law, stating that certain types of Judaism or Christianity will be prohibited from being followed since they are too Islamophobic, Homophobic or just seem too bigoted for what the government believes is acceptable? Oh, do people think this is a joke? Just ask my relatives who fled for their lives from Soviet Union what happened if they tried to practice their religion openly or speak a language other than Russian. Yes, they would be arrested and many times sent off to labor camps in Siberia.

I just know that my grandmother escaped communism and fascism. Her village was massacred in the Holocaust by German invaders. I see the same thing happening in Oregon and Washington and I know my votes are worth nothing less than a turd here anymore. I am just sick and tired of it.

I will miss the beauty and scenery of the Pacific Northwest as well as many other amenities. However, the fascists (who now call themselves Democrats, Leftists, Progressives, etc) have taken control and will not stop until every person who goes against their agenda submits to their will or is dead. That is my take. Yes, it may not be today. It could be 100 years or maybe even 5 years. Who knows after 2020, what could happen?

This is a sad day for Washington and a sad day for America. These unconstitutional legislation measures must not be allowed to ever go onto a ballot or be voted on. They should not be allowed to become law anymore than restricting rights of minorities or censoring certain types of religion should be allowed to be voted on or become a legislative measure and even worse, an abominable unconstitutional law.

Well said, unfortunately if the state doesn't outlaw our guns, the feds might. Here's the US House Democrat AW ban bill:

What folks in Tennessee did in 1946, because of tyrrany not nearly as oppressive as these gun bans:
Remember, these are liberal fascist peons talking and many live in a dark, deranged, liberal fantasy.

No... they are living in a dark, deranged, liberal REALITY

It will pass on the ballot.

Not enough people care. Not enough Republicans will turn out.
Not enough gun owners are in agreement on the details of the measure.

Poor turnout will pass this one.

Party is over guys. Just like with private sales... we will lose out rights not to the legislature but to our own friends and neighbors.

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