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If Trump actually thows 2A under the bus I'll be a monkey's uncle. Don't forget how he plays political 4D chess with the Dems. I seriously doubt that he will sell out his base. He's in it for the long game. By long game, I'm referring to how he wants his legacy to reflect upon him long after he's gone. His playbook goes that far ahead down the road. He doesn't want to be remembered as a sellout. This guy wants a pyramid as his monument but he also wants to deserve it.

He pretty much already has sold out.

1) The trade war with tariffs has hurt a lot of his base - especially farmers, but also a lot of smaller businesses. They won't forget this.
2) He isn't playing chess, he has someone pulling his strings - a lot of the stuff he has done has been for large corps, not the small businessman.

Add to that the fact that he has angered a lot of people that are moderate to left of moderate and you will see a big response on that side.

A LOT of people didn't vote in 2016 rather than voting for Clinton, but will vote this time around - 'anybody but Trump' is their motto, and a lot of people voted for Trump who will sit the 2020 election out. This will be true whether he goes anti-2A or not.
Some of you guys seem to be living in a fantasy world. Trump lies all the time, about everything, even things that don't matter. You can verify this easily with a tiny effort. He's only in it for his ego, he doesn't give a solitary bubblegum about anybody but himself.

If you think he's going to support RKBA because it's the right thing to do, you're delusional. He'll support it or not based on how it affects his ego. That's how he makes all his decisions.
If you think he's going to support RKBA because it's the right thing to do, you're delusional. He'll support it or not based on how it affects his ego. That's how he makes all his decisions.

Or whatever whim he feels at the time.

As I said, he is unpredictable. It isn't about "playing chess" - that is a fantasy that he actually knows what he is doing and why at any particular moment in time. Like any other narcissistic sociopath pathological liar, he just wings it as he goes.
A LOT of people didn't vote in 2016 rather than voting for Clinton, but will vote this time around - 'anybody but Trump' is their motto, and a lot of people voted for Trump who will sit the 2020 election out. This will be true whether he goes anti-2A or not.

I'll add that a lot of people didn't vote at all because they figured that for sure, Clinton would win. Nobody, even Donnie Bonespurs, thought he had a chance of winning.
I'm very pro-Trump. He's done an excellent job at POTUS in general, and I'd grade him a solid B+/A-.

My biggest complaints are that he says some dumb stuff, picks non-Presidential fights at times, and he's becoming more unpredictable on guns in total violation of his pro-gun promises of no more gun control. I was expecting major reeling back on gun control at the federal level. Instead it's been the opposite.

I'm annoyed at the Bump Stock situation. But I can live with it.

I wanted badly a repeal of suppressors and national reciprocity. The GOP squandered 2 years of total government control and did nothing. I'm really ticked off on that, but blame Paul Ryan more than anyone. However, Trump's statements about looking at silencers is vague but also worrisome.

I'm annoyed at Trump's comments on denial of due process but figured that was just a dumb thing he said.

I'm getting really ticked off at the ATF now going to look at pistols and re-evaluate and I fear that will go the way of bump stocks.

I'm actually getting somewhat concerned on his apparent support for red flag laws and more background checks which would seem to kill private sales and create de facto registration of course. This is very very alarming.

Like someone wrote above, the left is so far left that ironically it allows Trump to move left and still retain his base because the left is so unpalatable that even an Obama or Clinton seems attractive compared to the looney tunes on stage...

I really just hope the NRA and SAF and others talk sense into him and the GOP morons supporting Red Flag and other total infringements on our rights...


The problem I have is that we (Trump voters), D's R's and those not sure, elected a non-politician outsider with a known personality (geez he's been on TV how many seasons???) and then expect him to act "Presidential"!!! One of the ways he gets things done is by being non-presidential, by going against the flow, by doing the unexpected, by putting pressure on people and countries, by keeping people and countries and his cabinet/admin off balance. He's always done that. He likes to stir the pot and see who/what rises to the top. People around him better bring their A game!

BTW, not saying this is you at all, but I've asked myself how come Obummer got great kudos for using the "new" internet phenom of social media, but Trump gets criticized for Tweeting? Not that I can support all his tweets, but I do think he has a purpose for everything he says or does, so IMO we need to learn patience. We need to remember that it's not really him tweeting... he has an entire office/team that does what a press office did for other presidents, he just signs off on what eventually goes on his Twitter account. AFAIK
I'd say that he has already done so. BUT, still...….voting for "The Lesser of Evils," is about all that I'm left with. So, there I am.

Aloha, Mark

The problem I have is that we (Trump voters), D's R's and those not sure, elected a non-politician outsider with a known personality (geez he's been on TV how many seasons???) and then expect him to act "Presidential"!!! One of the ways he gets things done is by being non-presidential, by going against the flow, by doing the unexpected, by putting pressure on people and countries, by keeping people and countries and his cabinet/admin off balance. He's always done that. He likes to stir the pot and see who/what rises to the top. People around him better bring their A game!

BTW, not saying this is you at all, but I've asked myself how come Obummer got great kudos for using the "new" internet phenom of social media, but Trump gets criticized for Tweeting? Not that I can support all his tweets, but I do think he has a purpose for everything he says or does, so IMO we need to learn patience. We need to remember that it's not really him tweeting... he has an entire office/team that does what a press office did for other presidents, he just signs off on what eventually goes on his Twitter account. AFAIK

I will agree, Trump is about the most un-presidential President I have seen in my 60 plus years and I expect he will hold that dubious distinction long after I am gone. Further, I don't think that is anything to crow about.:rolleyes:
Some of you guys seem to be living in a fantasy world. Trump lies all the time, about everything, even things that don't matter. You can verify this easily with a tiny effort. He's only in it for his ego, he doesn't give a solitary bubblegum about anybody but himself.

If you think he's going to support RKBA because it's the right thing to do, you're delusional. He'll support it or not based on how it affects his ego. That's how he makes all his decisions.

So if we take you literally, as you seem to hold Trump to such standard, you say "Trump lies all the time, about everything...". Well that's a demonstrable lie. I bet he tells the truth at least some times about some things. So you are in effect presenting lies, are you not?

See what I did there. I am holding you to the same nonsensical standard you're holding Trump to. If you take things too literally, we''re all a liar. Yesterday I said I would be someplace in 10 minutes. I was delayed and it took me longer. Am I a liar, or did things just not work out the way I had expected?

If you want a POTUS who is 100% truthful, you'll be waiting a very long time. What we should demand and expect is one that has the USA's best interests at heart, not a goodie-two-shoes unrealistic person. Someone with the cahones to make the hard calls and get the job done, even if they have to bend some rules as long as the USA and the Constitution are benefactors.

I don't think Bill Clinton had the nation's best interests in mind. Nor Obama. Nor Hillary. They were all lying con artists totally self interested in power and lining their own pockets. I do believe Trump, albeit dishonest at times, has the nation's best interst in mind. He had power. He had wealth. He's doing the job for no pay and taking daily criticism when instead he should be relaxing and retired counting his golf strokes and being with a gorgeous model 1/2 his age. Instead he's trying to save the nation from the EVIL on the left...

As long as he continues to support and defend the nation and our interests and Constitution, he has my support. If he fibs to do it so be it.
The never-Trumper RINOs all destroyed themselves on the rock of their own hatred.

We have a President that is not only reversing the travesty that was the Obummer assault on America, but is making great strides in reversing 50yrs of leftist "progress" and horrible foreign policy of both D and R.

Tariffs are working too. Countries that have cheated the fair market trading status they were given and those that stole technology are being brought to heel. Shortsighted individuals are not willing to sacrifice a little short-term pain for long term gain. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I don't want to see any new gun control, but I'll still vote for the long term good of America!!
I will agree, Trump is about the most un-presidential President I have seen in my 60 plus years and I expect he will hold that dubious distinction long after I am gone. Further, I don't think that is anything to crow about.:rolleyes:

I didn't want more of the same politician types that we were getting over the decades. If that meant I had to have somebody un-presidential, I was willing to do so.

I don't care if he is "un-presidential". Dubious or not. It's just superficial, unimportant, and petty. The man IS accomplishing GREAT things.

Are you saying that "I" crowed about it???
I will agree, Trump is about the most un-presidential President I have seen in my 60 plus years and I expect he will hold that dubious distinction long after I am gone. Further, I don't think that is anything to crow about.:rolleyes:

So, committing ongoing adultery by getting blow jobs from 20 year old interns in the Oval Office and leaving a string of alleged (who he paid off in civil settlements) rape victims, lying about adultery and sex under oath, and being impeached by the House is somehow not less Presidential? Murdering 80 people - mostly women and kids - in Waco, and murdering a family in Idaho, is not "less Presidential?" Invoking a fraudlently named "Assault Weapon Ban" that was a serious direct attack on the 2nd Amendment and a failed expensive experiment was not "less Presidential?"

On what planet do you live?

Paying terrorists pallets of unauthorized millions of American taxdollars in an illegal payment is not "less Presidential?" Lying about the nature of the Benghazi attacks is not "less Presidential?" Having the IRS illegallly target political opponents, using the NSA to spy on opponents, and running guns illegally to Mexico and then covering it up is somehow not "less Presidential." :rolleyes:
Calling for total gun control is not less "Presidential." Promising to cut our debt and then doubling it with welfare spending from 10 to 20 trillion dollars was not "less Presidential?"

Good grief some folks have really out-of-whack sense of morality or just a really short memory.

Now in total fairness, name ONE thing that Trump has done that is "less Presidential" than the above? The man has been under threat of attack and impeachment, was illegally spied upon during his campaign, and has been under non-stop unwarranted criticism and $30 million dollar investigation for 2.5 years... Do you not lay SOME of the blame at the feet of the leftists who have attempted a failed coup for 2.5 years? So name ONE thing worse than adultery in the oval office, illegal cash payments to terrorists, murdering Americans, lying under oath, impeachment, or enacting massive gun control, or using the administrative agencies to crush Americans and opponents.... Please. I'll patiently wait for this response.
Last Edited:
The topic was:
Trump Is Unlikely To Commit Political Suicide by Betraying Us On Guns.

Mind if we get back on topic?
So if we take you literally, as you seem to hold Trump to such standard, you say "Trump lies all the time, about everything...". Well that's a demonstrable lie. I bet he tells the truth at least some times about some things. So you are in effect presenting lies, are you not?

See what I did there. I am holding you to the same nonsensical standard you're holding Trump to. If you take things too literally, we''re all a liar. Yesterday I said I would be someplace in 10 minutes. I was delayed and it took me longer. Am I a liar, or did things just not work out the way I had expected?

If you want a POTUS who is 100% truthful, you'll be waiting a very long time. What we should demand and expect is one that has the USA's best interests at heart, not a goodie-two-shoes unrealistic person. Someone with the cahones to make the hard calls and get the job done, even if they have to bend some rules as long as the USA and the Constitution are benefactors.

I don't think Bill Clinton had the nation's best interests in mind. Nor Obama. Nor Hillary. They were all lying con artists totally self interested in power and lining their own pockets. I do believe Trump, albeit dishonest at times, has the nation's best interst in mind. He had power. He had wealth. He's doing the job for no pay and taking daily criticism when instead he should be relaxing and retired counting his golf strokes and being with a gorgeous model 1/2 his age. Instead he's trying to save the nation from the EVIL on the left...

As long as he continues to support and defend the nation and our interests and Constitution, he has my support. If he fibs to do it so be it.

You don't want to get into technicalities with me. I didn't say that everything he says is a lie, I said he lies all the time, there's a difference, and I'm pretty confident that I'm literally correct. I also said nothing about any other president. What I think about Trump says absolutely nothing about what I think about any other president.

If you think he gives a damn about the Constitution, I've got a bridge to sell you.
I didn't want more of the same politician types that we were getting over the decades. If that meant I had to have somebody un-presidential, I was willing to do so.

I don't care if he is "un-presidential". Dubious or not. It's just superficial, unimportant, and petty. The man IS accomplishing GREAT things.

Are you saying that "I" crowed about it???

What on earth has he accomplished? There's no nationwide carry agreement (Mods - I insterted obligatory gun content), no wall, no health plan, no major infrastructure works, the tariffs are raising the costs of consumers (if that's not the case, how come he backed off more tariffs so he wouldn't ruin Christmas?), his staff has a higher turnover than the neighborhood mini-mart, stand ins are running every cabinet post, American farmers are now welfare queens, we still have troops in the Middle East, etc. I don't have time to make a list of all his broken promises - those are the ones that came to mind first.

The only thing that happened was the Supreme Court choices and that was not his doing - that was only because Clinton didn't get in; any other R would have done the same thing.

So, go ahead - tell me what Cadet Bonespurs has done for the country. :rolleyes:

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