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Look obviously I was over exagerating what my response would to to that situation. I would probably call the cops and try to follow them. But if it got to a point where they are beating the man until he is going to die (no I'm not a doc but you can tell when someone is getting a life threatening blow) I would draw down and do what is necessary to save that man's life.
Our society is going to come to a boiling point where it's us against them. We're going to come to a time where we might have to take someone's life. And situations like this are happening more and more often. I'm mean are you guys serious? You see a man get beaten half to death and your going to watch? Walk away? Great I hope I don't get jumped in your part of town. And when it comes to helping them, with everybody and their mother taking MMA and martial arts classes any dumb kid could knock you out, or choke you out and when they search for your wallet, BAM! They have a gun. So the next guy they'll just shoot. You can tell their family, your welcome!
I hope to God I am never in this sitaution but in this crap society most likely I will be, but I can't be sure I won't be the one in handcuffs at the end of the night. But if it gets someone else home to their family so be it.
I'm sure the some of you would rather let the next guy take the beating, if he dies, oh well. At least your not going to miss supper.
Until they jump you a week later.

You're assuming quite a bit. Pulling out your pistol does not make you superman, nor does it ensure that the aggressors will back down- in fact they may very well have pistols themselves. If they are in fact armed then all you've done is turned a possible lopsided fight into a shootout where both parties(and bystanders) may die.

I'm advocating common sense- don't tell a group of young men with a short fuse to "shut up"- yes they we're being annoying but that's not illegal.

If he was in Bellevue or Kirkland I could see his "tough-*** cripple" routine working, but in a bad part of town late at night he should exercise self control. You drawing down on the kids beating his *** is somewhat justifying his poor decision making- aka, he bit off way more then he could chew.

Personally I don't like taking up the slack for idiots who don't know when to keep their mouths shut. Better to go home and be pissed off about the annoying pricks at the bus stop then it is to end up in the hospital with a wired jaw.

I'm not saying it's fair that citizens have to worry about random beatings, but it's reality and discretion is the better part of valor in 2009.
Why the heck is everybody hung up on the disabled man's action? Does the fact that he said anything to the thugs make one doggone bit of difference in whether or not you should help him? Yeah, I agree he shouldn't have said anything, especially since he is in no condition to protect himself should the worst-case scenario occur (which it did). Try removing that fact from your mind. If you came upon the scene and only witnessed the beating, would that make you respond differently if you had not heard the initial comment? The fact of the matter is, that several able-bodied men (and I use that term loosely) took advantage of a man unable to defend himself.

It seems to me that half of the people here think that this guy should get beaten half to death for running his mouth. Was it foolish? Yes. In no way does it warrant a beatdown. So, sorry about your luck, guy. Maybe next time you'll keep your mouth shut. Oh, wait, of course you will, it has been wired shut after you got beaten half to death and nobody really cares if you live or die.

I am sure that to turn a blind eye to this event was actually better for him, since I am sure that he learned a valuable lesson from it. I mean, really, to not do anything at all was probably even more responsible and even heroic, but I guess that is what tough love is really all about.

What the heck is wrong with you people?
It seems to me that half of the people here think that this guy should get beaten half to death for running his mouth.

No...that's not it at all.

I'll say it one more time.

The violent criminal assault was in no way justified - but he did bring it on himself by intentionally stepping on a hornet's nest.

You make a good point by asking, "If you came upon the scene and only witnessed the beating, would that make you respond differently if you had not heard the initial comment?"

The answer lies in whether or not you calculate you can make a difference without committing suicide.

Let me ask this: Do you think you have the capability of single-handedly fighting off a half-dozen thugs who are very likely armed?

If so...let's discuss (realistically) the "strategies, tactics, and training" required to accomplish that remarkable feat.
I saw the video of this attack on the news and the disabled guy (who was standing on prosthetics) got completely sucker punched from the rear/side by a guy who wasn't in the confrontation at all. Now this is late at night, at the Federal Way bus station, which is in a ghetto area and there's always shady characters around. What the **** is anyone thinking, trying to tell a group of people to shut up? He used poor judgement, but the actions of the teens were obviously uncalled for and cowardly. Once that first punch landed, they kind of jumped back to see what would happen. When they realized he was injured, it was like hyenas on a kitten, they were all in to get a cheap punch. Cowards, the lot of em.

I live in Federal Way (in a good part of town), but I rarely carry on me. Not because I don't want to, but because I'm usually coming to or from school where I can't carry. That, and my milt sparks holster doesn't arrive till august. I have a cheap Uncle Mikes holster for now, but I should really consider using it more often when running errands. I haven't adjusted to the weight and feel of carrying my 1911 because frankly it's not that comfortable, which I mostly attribute the crappy IWB holster.
Part of why these scumbags DO what they do is that, for far too long, no one has had the cojones to stand them down. Of course, in a gang crowd setting like that, it may not be the best/safest time to do so. BUT--- they think they own the world because, in large part, normal citizens have yielded to them. Same with aggressive drivers.. the cops don't do enough, they get away with it, and so continue, and escalate. The gangstas try stuff, no consequences, they try more, still no consequences. Just like Hitler as he began to overrun Poland, Austria, Romania, in the late 1930's. His officers warned him "don't do it, those other nations wil rise up and stop you. We have to wait a while". Hitler said "no, they won't do a thing, you watch". Who was right, and who ended up controlling the lions' share of Europe?

Such bullies will continue to abuse anyone they care to as long as they get away with it no consequences. Thus, to go weak and allow them to do what they will simply contributes to the long term problem.

Now wait, I am NOT saying in THIS situation the guy in the wheelchair should have said nothing.... obviously, he stood up for what was right and it cost him. That does NOT mean that to have said something was wrong. The punks were out of line. THEY started the whole thing. Now, a bystander, having witnessed the exchange and subsequent beating, should do what is available to him to rein in the hoodlums. Use of deadly force would certainly have been appropriate.. IF the use of such force, after assessing the whole situation, felt HE (consider training, experience, the specific weapon, situation, other bystanders, etc) could prevail in brining to a halt the unjustified use of lethal force against the victim. As mentioned, entirely a judgement call for the one IN the situation. Blanket statements don't cut it.

But.. as said, this sort of thing will continue until it is found to be inconvenient to do so. Which means the PUBLIC will have to rise up and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, and levy unpleasant consequences upon those who behave in such ways. The cops have already proven they won't........
To bad the chair guy had to get beat but he DID open his mouth to a buch of thugs and he's lucky to be alive . Sure deadly force would be warrented to save the guys life BUT all of you are forgetting that these punks got away and will do it again .

Better to fill their bodies with lead and put them in a bag then to let them live and create more victims .

I'll tell anyone I want to shut the F up but if he and 8 guy's want to jump me than they all die , Period ! Evil prevails when good men do nothing . I won't let the evil's of this world force me to live a scared life .

If those punk's had weapons they would have used them . They were head shot's waiting to happen . Hopefully soon their Karma get's em
But at what point should you pull out? As they swarm around you, or after you've taken some hits? At what point in a confrontation does a gun come into play? I've had some arguments and that's all they were. A gun would have been completely uncalled for. It is a tough decision to make in such a quick moment.
But at what point should you pull out? As they swarm around you, or after you've taken some hits? At what point in a confrontation does a gun come into play? I've had some arguments and that's all they were. A gun would have been completely uncalled for. It is a tough decision to make in such a quick moment.

If you can safely walk away is one of my standards, an argument will often escalate a situation that could have been avoided by swallowing your pride and walking away.
I won't let the evil's of this world force me to live a scared life .
How about a smarter life?

Telling a gang of thugs to shut up is asking for a confrontation that could turn deadly.

It kind of sounds like that is what you are seeking.
That's not really a fair assessment of the situation in which he used that statement, he didn't say he would start crap with a bunch of punks to show how big a man he is, he said he would have stepped up in a potentially deadly situation such as was described.
That's not really a fair assessment of the situation in which he used that statement, he didn't say he would start crap with a bunch of punks to show how big a man he is, he said he would have stepped up in a potentially deadly situation such as was described.

What he said was...

Better to fill their bodies with lead and put them in a bag then to let them live and create more victims .

I'll tell anyone I want to shut the F up but if he and 8 guy's want to jump me than they all die , Period !

If you tell a gang of thugs to "shut the F up" - fully prepared to kill them all, "Period!" - you're looking for a shooting.

And that aint smart.
Most people don't have the mindset or the gut for confrontation . If you are afraid to speak your mind to anyone then you should just shut up and not say ANYTHING to anyone . Personally I like to mess with the bullies because everyone I have came across was easy to beat down when it came to it .

As for the comment about telling a " gang " to shut up . They are either gonna shut up or face my music . They make the choice weather or not they want to shut up and move along or escalate it into a deadly force issue . The reallity is , when the bullets start fly into bodies the rest will run for their lives or perish . Bullies are cowards and don't know how to deal with those that stand up to them and make them back down .

If more instances of the bad guy's getting taken out by lawfully armed citizens then the better off we all will be . The notion the we can reason with evil is a dangerous one . With the current climate in this country we have to take extreem action and win if we want to make a change for the better .

Do I go around looking for a fight ? No way ! I'm about one of the most even tempered people :s0155: . But I won't back down from a confrontation and I would never stand by and let someone get a beat down by multiple people . Only a girlyman would do that :s0114: .

Go ahead and play it safe though ! Just remember that when someone you know gets attacked and those that are standing around don't do anything PLEASE don't be mad at them . They are just like you and want to play it safe so they can live another day .

This country is the way it is because TOO many people don't want to get involved and want the goverment to do everything AND we all see how that has gone down :( . We need to change our mindset and be alittle more self sacrificing and act for the common good of all . It was good enough for our forefathers and we should be willing to do the same .
If you tell a gang of thugs to "shut the F up" - fully prepared to kill them all, "Period!" - you're looking for a shooting.

And that aint smart.

Why would you need to tell them to shut up?
Ignoring a robbery or a blatant assault is worse.

The proper situation is, these guys are beating on somebody. If somebody says that stumbling upon a situation like that is looking for a fight, they're dead wrong. Nobody in their right mind wants to run into this situation, and nobody in their right mind would let a disabled person be beat to death.

Looking for a fight doesn't fit this scenario, so don't bring it up.
Looking for a fight doesn't fit this scenario, so don't bring it up.

Please go back and carefully and completly read chopped&bobbedburb's posts (#47 and #53).

He wrote:

I'll tell anyone I want to shut the F up but if he and 8 guy's want to jump me than they all die , Period !


Personally I like to mess with the bullies because everyone I have came across was easy to beat down when it came to it .

As for the comment about telling a " gang " to shut up . They are either gonna shut up or face my music . They make the choice weather or not they want to shut up and move along or escalate it into a deadly force issue .

That isn't about stumbbling across a criminal's about provoking and instigating one.

Aside from the criminal charges that might attach to such behavior (i.e., mutual combat) - the damage this kind of talk does to the gun owning community is immeasurable. Antis probably troll these threads looking for just this kind of chest-beating drivel.

Grow up. While you still can.
I didn't realize you were quoting him, because you didn't reference him in your post. Next time, cite it as I have you cited here. Yes, the damage his kind of talk does damage the community, but I skipped over it and addressed the actual story instead.

Grow up. While you still can.

I refuse to address this, do you really expect me to even consider responding after such a blatant, baseless insult? There's no reason for that, and I expect an apology.
Grow up. While you still can.

I refuse to address this, do you really expect me to even consider responding after such a blatant, baseless insult? There's no reason for that, and I expect an apology.

Charles: Please accept my apology. My comment wasn't for you - it was directed at chopped&bobbedburb. Sorry I didn't make that clear.

I'm afraid if he doesn't change his belligerent attitude, he may not live long enough to grow up.

Next time, cite it as I have you cited here.

How do you do that?

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