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I'm in complete agreement with Massad's concept of talking with an officer after a DGU. However, I think we have apples and oranges in this case. Glover called the police, met with them at the station, waived his Miranda rights, and freely talked about the case outside of the presence of an attorney. This is far from his recommendations. He needed an attorney.

I won't comment further on the specifics of the case as I was not there. These situations are ugly. Sadly, women often go back into toxic relationships (not saying this is the case here) because they fear the other options (i.e., being with kids and not in a relationship) are worse. Men get falsely accused. The end result publicly in either direction is not necessarily where the facts of the case lie. People frequently say, "The truth is somewhere in the middle." Sometimes, but other times it is as bad (in either direction) as one party claims.

Either way, I always just feel bad for the kids.
True, a DGU is different than a DV case. I don't know Glover and maybe have seen two-three of his videos but I think it is fair to say from what I read in news reports is that the police were going to arrest him regardless. Even if an attorney was present, the police were going to arrest him strictly from the call the wife made and whatever evidence (photos of injuries and medical report) they obtained. DV calls are kinda their own beast. IF we went out to a DV call and both parties were there, 90% of the time, someone was going to jail due to the way legislators have written the law. IF we left the scene without an arrest and have to go back and one party is injured or worse, dead, the officers and dept. are liable. Maybe the attorney could have arranged bail but I don't think the attorney would have been much use even if he told Glover to not make a statement. What do you expect the detective to say? "Oh you came in here and explained the situation so we are just gonna close the case now."
I saw men accused all the time especially in CPS cases dealing with a divorce. Many moms would say dad was diddling the kids. That said, I have also seen a lot of men beat their wives and diddle their kids. That's what makes DV case and Child Abuse cases so screwed up. I told both women and men (they get physically abused too) that the first time the other hits you, it's time to end the relationship. We use to say there were three sides to the truth, her side, his side, and the actual truth. Why anyone continues in a relationship after being assaulted is confusing to me. Call me jaded but I don't buy all the excuses that women's shelters seem to espouse.
True, a DGU is different than a DV case. I don't know Glover and maybe have seen two-three of his videos but I think it is fair to say from what I read in news reports is that the police were going to arrest him regardless. Even if an attorney was present, the police were going to arrest him strictly from the call the wife made and whatever evidence (photos of injuries and medical report) they obtained. DV calls are kinda their own beast. IF we went out to a DV call and both parties were there, 90% of the time, someone was going to jail due to the way legislators have written the law. IF we left the scene without an arrest and have to go back and one party is injured or worse, dead, the officers and dept. are liable. Maybe the attorney could have arranged bail but I don't think the attorney would have been much use even if he told Glover to not make a statement. What do you expect the detective to say? "Oh you came in here and explained the situation so we are just gonna close the case now."
I saw men accused all the time especially in CPS cases dealing with a divorce. Many moms would say dad was diddling the kids. That said, I have also seen a lot of men beat their wives and diddle their kids. That's what makes DV case and Child Abuse cases so screwed up. I told both women and men (they get physically abused too) that the first time the other hits you, it's time to end the relationship. We use to say there were three sides to the truth, her side, his side, and the actual truth. Why anyone continues in a relationship after being assaulted is confusing to me. Call me jaded but I don't buy all the excuses that women's shelters seem to espouse.
I forget how they measured it, but there was some report/study/statistic that found that men were more often the victim of domestic violence than women were. This is because there is basically no support -- social, legal or otherwise -- for men who are victims of DV, and most men just put up with it rather than deal with the problem.

I do remember wondering when I read that article "what percentage of men eventually respond in kind and become the other half of that statistic later?" Or to put it another way, how many men who are convicted of DV started as the victim and were simply retaliating in kind (only better, because, you know, men).
True, a DGU is different than a DV case. I don't know Glover and maybe have seen two-three of his videos but I think it is fair to say from what I read in news reports is that the police were going to arrest him regardless. Even if an attorney was present, the police were going to arrest him strictly from the call the wife made and whatever evidence (photos of injuries and medical report) they obtained. DV calls are kinda their own beast. IF we went out to a DV call and both parties were there, 90% of the time, someone was going to jail due to the way legislators have written the law. IF we left the scene without an arrest and have to go back and one party is injured or worse, dead, the officers and dept. are liable. Maybe the attorney could have arranged bail but I don't think the attorney would have been much use even if he told Glover to not make a statement. What do you expect the detective to say? "Oh you came in here and explained the situation so we are just gonna close the case now."
I saw men accused all the time especially in CPS cases dealing with a divorce. Many moms would say dad was diddling the kids. That said, I have also seen a lot of men beat their wives and diddle their kids. That's what makes DV case and Child Abuse cases so screwed up. I told both women and men (they get physically abused too) that the first time the other hits you, it's time to end the relationship. We use to say there were three sides to the truth, her side, his side, and the actual truth. Why anyone continues in a relationship after being assaulted is confusing to me. Call me jaded but I don't buy all the excuses that women's shelters seem to espouse.
Thank you for your comments sir, however there are many reasons someone returns to their abuser...
Financial reasons are one for women who are truly in domestic violence situations,... not those who are using a man for money but whom by the choice of both parties chose to stay home to take care of the home, children and husband. you know the traditional household albeit more rare these days...
Another is the psychological aspect that happens in cases where one truly has a personality disorder and the lack of knowledge not only we as a society have about these dynamics but the system as well.
Things such as stockholm syndrome where they fall in love with their abuser and trauma bonding where they bond with the abuser from being brought up in dysfunction and abuse which is extremely common these days...
Another huge one is human trafficking.. which is very prevalent across the world.
some women are here illegally from being trafficked and some are being trafficked here...
this has been ongoing issue within indigenous communities hence MMIW - missing and murdered indigenous women...
Unfortunately children and males are now widely included in the statistics.
Our own government has had huge involvement.
You don't need to believe anybody however to discount or dismiss women who are truly on the frontlines giving those a safe haven who fall victim is not conducive and very ignorant.
The resources really are not enough and the shelters are temporary.
It isn't a gender issue but a satanic one to destroy the family unit.
that's how our country will be destroyed and the divide and conquer is succeeding...
I wish our men stood with us who truly are trying to protect the women and children at risk instead of dismissing us,..
I have been shot twice, unlawfully imprisoned and more I don't wish to discuss attempting to be a feminine and not a feminist in my own country.
We are the protectors of the children but we are not being protected to the extent we need unfortunately.

A country isn't conquered until the hearts of it's women are on the ground... Native Proverb A'ho
@JaimaStorm - hey thanks for responding. If less illegals were allowed entry, there would be less trafficked humans. From my time in LE, DV was once the big issue but then many groups began to see the futility of it because the battered kept going back to the abuser. Groups needed another issue to support so trafficking became the next hot topic. The problem is we like changing names to make it sound better. Trafficking is basically prostitution (not to be confused with human smuggling). Most prostitutes I dealt with had a drug problem as do a lot of homeless. It all goes back to making better choices and it starts early on in life.

When I worked at CPS for five years, I saw a lot of really crappy stuff. I did see a very familiar pattern though - A single mom would meet some guy (that was a POS) and go to work while he stayed at home and watched the kids. Big surprise, he started abusing them physically and/or sexually. The DV I saw followed a similar pattern, a woman hooks up with a guy (that was a POS) and gets hit (sometimes they egged it on). We'd go out and arrest the subject. He'd get out, the woman would stay with him and the process starts all over again. If by some chance, she did move away from her abuser, there was a very high chance her next BF would also be an abuser. That's why I always recommend that the relationship end after the first assault. I'm speaking in generalities but I don't recall a woman dating a guy, getting married, having kids, and everything was fine until one day the guy just assaults her. I guess that could happen but I never saw it. I protected more than my fair share of women and children but I think a lot of men in my position just get tired of trying to help people that really don't want help. I answered so many DV calls in patrol and about 50% of the knock down fights I got in were on DV calls. I then went to work for the DA's Ofc. I couldn't begin to tell you the number of women that would file an affidavit of non prosecution or fail to come to court to testify against her accuser. It was a huge waste of taxpayer money. I'm all for helping people but many have to first want to help themselves and most don't.

You say women are the protectors of children. I'm not so sure I believe that either. I saw many women that failed to protect their children over and over again. Heck, I saw women sell their own kids into trafficking. The two teachers I investigated for sexual assault were both women. I worked cases where women abused their kids. Women don't hold the exclusivity in protecting their kids. I also saw many fathers that were trying to protect their kids and got screwed over by the "system" Neither man or woman could claim the higher ground. I saw good and bad in both genders.

Now where we do agree is that most in one political party actually want to destroy the typical family unit and you are correct, it is indeed demonic. I suggest you read Return of the Gods by Messianic Rabbi Johnathan Cahn if you get a chance. We could expand this from DV to Child Abuse to Abortion (now some are really gonna get squeamish) but how do we expect someone to be a good spouse or parent when most adults, the school system, and govt. don't even believe in the traditional family any more. "It takes a village, love is love, my happiness is paramount, and it's ok as long as I don't hurt anyone else...."

If you read that book and study eschatology, you will get the picture that some aren't long for this world and those that remain are gonna see what serious hardship is.......well until they die. Sin is a real b*tch.
I forget how they measured it, but there was some report/study/statistic that found that men were more often the victim of domestic violence than women were. This is because there is basically no support -- social, legal or otherwise -- for men who are victims of DV, and most men just put up with it rather than deal with the problem.

I do remember wondering when I read that article "what percentage of men eventually respond in kind and become the other half of that statistic later?" Or to put it another way, how many men who are convicted of DV started as the victim and were simply retaliating in kind (only better, because, you know, men).
If you remember the study, let me know because I don't believe that for one minute. Again, some men do get assaulted but in DV cases, the woman is overwhelmingly the victim. Now some men are just vicious violent POS but most of the calls I went on where the man assaulted the woman, the woman usually did her fair share of contributing to the "fight", it just wasn't physical. Chris Rock has a good quote from an old show - "I'm not saying, it is ever ok to hit a woman but sometimes, you gotta shake the chit out of them." "I'm not saying what he did was right, but I understand...."
@JaimaStorm - hey thanks for responding. If less illegals were allowed entry, there would be less trafficked humans. From my time in LE, DV was once the big issue but then many groups began to see the futility of it because the battered kept going back to the abuser. Groups needed another issue to support so trafficking became the next hot topic. The problem is we like changing names to make it sound better. Trafficking is basically prostitution (not to be confused with human smuggling). Most prostitutes I dealt with had a drug problem as do a lot of homeless. It all goes back to making better choices and it starts early on in life.

When I worked at CPS for five years, I saw a lot of really crappy stuff. I did see a very familiar pattern though - A single mom would meet some guy (that was a POS) and go to work while he stayed at home and watched the kids. Big surprise, he started abusing them physically and/or sexually. The DV I saw followed a similar pattern, a woman hooks up with a guy (that was a POS) and gets hit (sometimes they egged it on). We'd go out and arrest the subject. He'd get out, the woman would stay with him and the process starts all over again. If by some chance, she did move away from her abuser, there was a very high chance her next BF would also be an abuser. That's why I always recommend that the relationship end after the first assault. I'm speaking in generalities but I don't recall a woman dating a guy, getting married, having kids, and everything was fine until one day the guy just assaults her. I guess that could happen but I never saw it. I protected more than my fair share of women and children but I think a lot of men in my position just get tired of trying to help people that really don't want help. I answered so many DV calls in patrol and about 50% of the knock down fights I got in were on DV calls. I then went to work for the DA's Ofc. I couldn't begin to tell you the number of women that would file an affidavit of non prosecution or fail to come to court to testify against her accuser. It was a huge waste of taxpayer money. I'm all for helping people but many have to first want to help themselves and most don't.

You say women are the protectors of children. I'm not so sure I believe that either. I saw many women that failed to protect their children over and over again. Heck, I saw women sell their own kids into trafficking. The two teachers I investigated for sexual assault were both women. I worked cases where women abused their kids. Women don't hold the exclusivity in protecting their kids. I also saw many fathers that were trying to protect their kids and got screwed over by the "system" Neither man or woman could claim the higher ground. I saw good and bad in both genders.

Now where we do agree is that most in one political party actually want to destroy the typical family unit and you are correct, it is indeed demonic. I suggest you read Return of the Gods by Messianic Rabbi Johnathan Cahn if you get a chance. We could expand this from DV to Child Abuse to Abortion (now some are really gonna get squeamish) but how do we expect someone to be a good spouse or parent when most adults, the school system, and govt. don't even believe in the traditional family any more. "It takes a village, love is love, my happiness is paramount, and it's ok as long as I don't hurt anyone else...."

If you read that book and study eschatology, you will get the picture that some aren't long for this world and those that remain are gonna see what serious hardship is.......well until they die. Sin is a real b*tch.
Thank you or the response as I am interested to see the various ways LE deal with victim cases.
I am ever more thankful that I am in Florida and the ways the town I am currently in have dealt with my own personal case particularly the LE.
They got me to safety and saved my life most likely and I am not taking that for granted.

Desantis has implemented many of strategies in dealing with all the ways certain entities have been doing to the people particularly the children.
Human trafficking starts way before a woman choses that lifestyle in majority of cases
However, I am not dismissing mothers who continue in such ways and turn around and abuse their children.
I had a conversation with one of the advocates at the shelter myself today about how these abusive women get in here and in many cases CPS has become a nightmares' for the children.
I have been struggling on rather to make that call to CPS, but upon further observing this woman she is torturing these children by not feeding them or getting them fluids etc while out and partying it up.
I have decided to only because I am seeing the protocol shift Desantis has put into place and well I will gladly be part of the training crew. Don't fk with t he children. Period,.. male or female.

True psychopaths come off very charming, protective and are extremely intelligent yet end up having the emotional IQ of a child.
It is manipulation and very much happens and can take the victim a long time to get resources to get free from being held hostage but yes must learn why it happens and break the cycles.
The women that generally fall prey to these individuals are many times the protective ones.
There are abusive bubblegums and then there are psychopaths who destroy,.. they are not the same
I agree that not all women are protectors of the children but those like myself that have been punished for protecting are.
Forgive me at times these issues can be difficult for me to be able to articulate with some things I have suffered myself but I do think you for listening and responding.
Native American women are 10X more likely to become missing and murdered than any other in this nation.
Particularly certain tribes such as myself.
Thank you or the response as I am interested to see the various ways LE deal with victim cases.
I am ever more thankful that I am in Florida and the ways the town I am currently in have dealt with my own personal case particularly the LE.
They got me to safety and saved my life most likely and I am not taking that for granted.

Desantis has implemented many of strategies in dealing with all the ways certain entities have been doing to the people particularly the children.
Human trafficking starts way before a woman choses that lifestyle in majority of cases
However, I am not dismissing mothers who continue in such ways and turn around and abuse their children.
I had a conversation with one of the advocates at the shelter myself today about how these abusive women get in here and in many cases CPS has become a nightmares' for the children.
I have been struggling on rather to make that call to CPS, but upon further observing this woman she is torturing these children by not feeding them or getting them fluids etc while out and partying it up.
I have decided to only because I am seeing the protocol shift Desantis has put into place and well I will gladly be part of the training crew. Don't fk with t he children. Period,.. male or female.

True psychopaths come off very charming, protective and are extremely intelligent yet end up having the emotional IQ of a child.
It is manipulation and very much happens and can take the victim a long time to get resources to get free from being held hostage but yes must learn why it happens and break the cycles.
The women that generally fall prey to these individuals are many times the protective ones.
There are abusive bubblegums and then there are psychopaths who destroy,.. they are not the same
I agree that not all women are protectors of the children but those like myself that have been punished for protecting are.
Forgive me at times these issues can be difficult for me to be able to articulate with some things I have suffered myself but I do think you for listening and responding.
Native American women are 10X more likely to become missing and murdered than any other in this nation.
Particularly certain tribes such as myself.
Maybe I'm missing something, but I hope that's not your real picture and location in your profile.
why is that? I am at an undisclosed location that isn't on GPS and don't have any fear of anybody here in this thread as you are not traffickers, right?.. Am I missing something???
Some ex's will go to surprising lengths. He doesn't have to be good at cyberstalking if he knows someone who is. But of course you know your situation far better than any of us.
why is that? I am at an undisclosed location that isn't on GPS and don't have any fear of anybody here in this thread as you are not traffickers, right?.. Am I missing something???
Forum open to the public. Globally:

Some ex's will go to surprising lengths. He doesn't have to be good at cyberstalking if he knows someone who is. But of course you know your situation far better than any of us.
Forum open to the public. Globally:
I refuse to live in fear and the local police constantly patrol this area so nobody is messing with me where I am at currently. We are a training grounds for Space Florida where military's also patrolling in copters all the time. Some are freaked out by the presence but myself knowing our governor is behind the trainings I actually feel safer than I have in a very long time. Their job is to protect and to serve which they are doing an awesome job thus far.
Forum open to the public. Globally:
He is currently in jail and has a no contact if he happens to bond out but I check daily. As Ii responded to another the police patrol this area constantly as well as military copters. This is also the same town the abuse happened so he knows the town I am in but not the location which is locked down and under 24 hour surveillance. Thank you for your concern though.
He is currently in jail and has a no contact if he happens to bond out but I check daily. As Ii responded to another the police patrol this area constantly as well as military copters. This is also the same town the abuse happened so he knows the town I am in but not the location which is locked down and under 24 hour surveillance. Thank you for your concern though.
That should be enough clues for anyone with local knowledge. Anyway best of luck.
He is currently in jail and has a no contact if he happens to bond out but I check daily. As Ii responded to another the police patrol this area constantly as well as military copters. This is also the same town the abuse happened so he knows the town I am in but not the location which is locked down and under 24 hour surveillance. Thank you for your concern though.
He mighta sucked enough dick to get some skeez to find you and feed you to the alligators regardless of the strong men and helicopters around you.

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